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核心提示:Britain's most popular baby names of 2008 were Olivia for a girl and, once again, Jack for a boy, according to the annual survey by the Bounty parenting club. It is the fourteenth year on the trot that Jack has topped the polls for baby boys. This y

      Britain's most popular baby names of 2008 were Olivia for a girl and, once again, Jack for a boy, according to the annual survey by the Bounty parenting club.

      It is the fourteenth year on the trot that Jack has topped the polls for baby boys.

      This year, however, Oliver came a very close second - opening the prospect of almost the identical name topping both boys' and girls' charts.

      The name Olivia, used by Shakespeare for one of his heroines in Twelfth Night, means olive tree, and comes from the same Latin root as Oliver, the boy's equivalent.

      There has been a return to silver screen glamour as names inspired by Hollywood, such as Sofia, Julia, Darcy and Amelie, have all shown a revival, according to researchers who analysed the trends in this year's baby names.

      The name Amy meanwhile fell in popularity down to 23rd in the list, possibly mirroring the declining personal fortunes of the singer Amy Winehouse, who has battled drug and health problems.

      Blake, the first name of Winehouse's husband Blake Fielder-Civil, has however entered the top 100 boys' names for the first time.

      Mums over the age of 40 were more likely to choose traditional names such as William, Thomas, Joshua and Harry.

      Younger mums, by contrast, were the most prone to take their cue from the names of celebrities, choosing boys' names such as Jayden, Tyler, Lewis, Ryan and Dylan.

      Theo, inspired by England's teenage football hero Theo Walcott, rose 12 places to take the number 58 spot for boys.

      Celebrity influence also made itself felt for baby girls. Ruby, chosen by singer and TV presenter Charlotte Church for her daughter, is this year's second most popular girl's name, while Ava, the name of Myleene Klass's baby, leapt 15 places to number 19.

      British mums seemed however to have drawn the line at imitating the name of Tom Cruise's baby daughter Suri, or Angelina Jolie's baby Shiloh, and so far there have been no reports of a UK surge in popularity in the name Barack, in homage to the new US President.

      Faye Mingo, of www.bounty.com, said that researchers were also not expecting to see extra interest in the name Malcolm, picked by Ulrika Jonsson for her fourth child born in June.

      "The name was her husband's choice, and while she apparently told him that Malcolm was not a cool name she gradually warmed to the idea," said Ms Mingo.

      "Boy's names have witnessed the biggest changes over the last decade as parents are increasingly influenced by American culture and celebrity trends relating to films and sports personalities.

      "Some parents want a name that's totally unique, and names such as Zebedee, Selim and Zenon are now emerging and growing in popularity.

      "In the girls' top 100 only Victoria and Elizabeth take their influence from royalty, and modern day princess like Beatrice, Eugenie and Zara don't even feature in the charts."

      The girls' names which experienced the biggest surges in popularity were Isla, which jumped 23 places to number 35, and Summer, which leapt 28 places to number 16.

      Hollie, Tegan, Patrick, Dominic and Gabriel all fell out of the top 100 lists.

      Top 10 boys' and girls' names

      1. Jack, Olivia

      2. Oliver, Ruby

      3. Harry, Grace

      4. Charlie, Emily

      5. Alfie, Jessica

      6. Thomas, Sophie

      7. Joshua, Chloe

      8. Daniel, Lily

      9. James, Mia

      10. William, Lucy

      根据育婴俱乐部年度报告指出, 2008年英国最受欢迎的女婴名为奥莉维亚Olivia, 杰克Jack则再一次荣登年度最受欢迎男婴姓名.


      不过今年第二名的奥利弗Oliver不让杰克专美于前, 紧紧跟在其后 甚有希望在来年与其系出同一语源的女婴名奥莉维亚Olivia双双夺得男女婴的排名金榜

      奥莉维亚Olivia, 是莎士比亚第十二夜戏剧中的女英雄之一, 意为橄榄树, 与男婴名的奥利弗Oliver同出于拉丁字根

      针对今年新生儿命名的研究指出, 受好莱坞电影光环的影响, 诸如索菲娅Sofia, 茱丽亚Julia, 达茜Darcy与亚美莉亚Amelie等命名有攀升的趋势

      同时间, 艾米Amy的排名则下滑至23, 或许这正反映逐渐走下坡的歌手艾米.怀豪斯的景况. 她正面临与药物缠斗及健康因素的挑战

      布莱克Blake. 艾米. 怀豪斯丈夫的名, 也总算首次挤进前百大命名之列

      四十岁以上的妈妈在为新生儿取名时较顷向于传统的名字, 如威廉William, 汤马斯Thomas, 约书亚Joshua与哈利Harry

      相较之下, 年青的妈妈在取名时则较偏向时下名人的名字, 如杰登Jayden, 泰勒Tyler, 雷恩Ryan与戴兰Dylan

      吉欧Theo, 受到少年足球明星吉欧.沃考特的盛名影响, 在男婴的命名排名上窜升12位到第58

      女婴的排名也同样受到名人的影响. 鲁比Ruby, 就因为名歌手兼电视节目主持人夏洛特. 丘区为她女儿取名鲁比而高居女婴排行榜第二位. 然而由于麦里尼. 克拉西为其女命名为埃尔娃Ava, 致使该名字由15位下滑至第19

      不过英国的妈咪在为宝贝取名时似乎仍有其底限, 她们不会刻意模仿如汤姆.克鲁斯的女儿苏 Suri, 或是安洁丽娜.裘莉的宝宝席罗Shiloh, 更无报导显示这些英国妈咪会为了向新任美国总统表示敬意, 而一股脑地将新生儿取名巴罗克Barack

      育婴网站的菲 . 果指出, 研究报告显示, 对于马尔可Malcolm, 也就是今年六月乌莉卡.裘森为其第四个婴儿所取的名字并为受到如预期般的追捧.

      果女士说: 马尔可是乌莉卡的先生取的, 虽然一开始乌莉卡并不认为这名字够酷炫, 不过她还是渐渐地习惯了这名字

      男婴的命名趋势正见证了近十年来, 双亲在为新生儿取名时受到美式文化, 电影名人与运动明星的影响

      “有些父母想给孩子取个独一无二的名字, 因此像是哲贝迪Zebedee, 瑟林姆Selim与哲侬Zenon这些少见的名字也越来越受欢迎"

      “女婴名前一百位中仅有维多利亚Victoria与伊丽莎白Elizabeth是源自于皇家贵族, 而现代的公主名如毕翠斯Beatrice, 尤詹妮Eugenie与萨拉Zara则根本进不到排行榜.

      女婴名中起伏最大的要算是伊斯拉Isla与萨莫Summer, 前者上升23位到第35, 后者则从第28晋升到第16位.

      豪列Hollie, 泰更Tegan, 派屈克Patrick, 多明尼克Dominic与加柏利夫等名字则跌出100大之列

      1. 杰克; 奥莉维亚

      2. 奥利弗; 鲁比

      3. 哈利; 格雷斯

      4. 查理, 埃米莉

      5. 艾尔非, 洁西卡

      6. 汤玛斯, 苏菲

      7. 约书亚; 科尔

      8. 丹尼尔; 莉莉

      9. 詹姆斯; 米亚

      10. 威廉; 露西

      更多翻译详细信息请点击: http://www.trans1.cn
      关键词: 英国 婴儿名

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