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放大字体缩小字体发布日期:2008-11-08 浏览次数: 1249
核心提示:Women are risking their lives by driving in stilettos. The warning that the killer heels could literally live up to their name comes from insurers. They found that four in five women drivers admit wearing inappropriate footwear while at the wheel. F

      Women are risking their lives by driving in stilettos.

      The warning that the killer heels could literally live up to their name comes from insurers.

      They found that four in five women drivers admit wearing inappropriate footwear while at the wheel.

      Flip-flops and slingbacks can also make a car harder to control.

      Female-friendly car insurance firm Sheilas’ Wheels is urging women to change into flat footwear before getting into the driving seat.

      The warning comes as eight-inch designer stilettos are unveiled, and amid reports that some women are turning to Botox in a bid to repair feet damaged by wearing high heels.

      It is estimated that more than 11.5 million British women are putting themselves and other drivers at risk by wearing the wrong footwear.

      Seventy five of the 750 women surveyed admitted having an accident or a “near-miss” because their shoes had slipped off or got stuck between or under the pedals. Nearly a quarter said they could not be bothered to change shoes before they got behind the wheel – even if they knew the ones they had on were not the safest for driving.

      A third even confessed to wearing flip-flops while driving.

      Jacky Brown, Sheilas’ spokeswoman, said: “It’s astonishing so many women are putting themselves, passengers and other drivers at risk.

      “Stilettos, slingbacks and flip-flops aren’t the sensible choice.”





      女性友好汽车保险公司 Sheilas ' Wheels 敦促妇女在 进入驾驶座位之前换上平底鞋。

      这项警告是因为推出了 8 英寸设计的高跟鞋,报告中说,一些妇女为了修复因穿着高跟鞋而损坏的脚,正在转向 Botox 。

      据估计,超过 1150 万的英国妇女因为穿错误的鞋类而使自己和其他的司机处于危险之中。

      调查的 750 名妇女中的七十五名承认有一次意外或者“接近失误” ,因为她们的鞋子滑掉或者卡在踏板之间或下面。近四分之一的表示,她们不会对坐到驾驶座之前换鞋感到厌烦——甚至她们知道她们穿过的一些鞋对于驾驶是不安全的。


      Sheilas '的发言人杰基布朗说: “那么多的妇女把自己、乘客和其他司机置于危险之中,这是令人惊讶的。


      更多翻译详细信息请点击: http://www.trans1.cn
      关键词: 开车 杀手 高跟鞋

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