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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2008-10-23
核心提示:Personality comes from the Latin word persona which means mask. Thus, it can be said that personality is a mask a person wears to face the world. No two persons are identical in terms of personality. A persons tastes and ideas add to the colors of h

    Personality comes from the Latin word “persona” which means “mask”. Thus, it can be said that personality is a ‘mask’ a person wears to face the world. No two persons are identical in terms of personality. A person’s tastes and ideas add to the colors of his or her personality. Effectively, personality is the outward reflection of a person’s inner self. To the world, personality is arguably the most long lasting map to the history of a person. If John is a person who likes to give to the less fortunate, people will remember him as a kind person. In a sense, personality is the colors of a person. 

    In the normal walk of life, we come across people who are more popular than others. Popularity is a subjective phenomenon and many a sociologist is still trying to figure out what makes for popularity. Recently, there have been reports about Britney Spears gambling in casinos and jumping into cars without wearing panties. Soon, she’s No. 1 on Yahoo’s Top Searched Item List. It’s strange, isn’t it? Surely, Britney Spears is a colorful person, right? A person with a bright personality is usually more popular than a person with a dull personality, right? Beautiful people are usually more popular than ugly people, right? Actually, it’s hard to pinpoint what kind of personality is popular and what is unpopular.

    Behavior can be described as the manifestation of personality in response to a situation. No two persons will react to the same situation in the same manner. This is because of the person’s personality. Let’s take the example of an introvert and an extrovert. We shall create a situation to study how they behave in the same environment. The introvert and the extrovert are placed into 2 identical rooms at the same time. Every effort is taken to ensure that the environment is the same. They are told to read a book in 2 hours. Then, we ask a group of hooligans to go into the rooms and thrash the rooms. How do you think the introvert and the extrovert will behave in such an environment? We don’t know but we know they will behave differently.

    Are you satisfied with how your career is turning out? Are you constantly on the lookout for a new job? You may not consciously know it but your personality has a great bearing of your job performance. If you are extremely shy and hate to socialize, you are not cut for a sales job or a PR position. You may try to change your ways and take on a more outgoing style but you may not be happy. There are some personality traits which are inherent. For instance, a lazy person is hard to change. If you know yourself well, you will find a career that suits your personality and excel in it.

    If you are not sure about your personality type, take a personality test. It will serve you well to know yourself a little better.

    性格"一词来自拉丁语的"persona"(面具的意思).因此,性格可以说是一个人面对世界上的事物时所戴的"面具".没有哪两个人的性格是完全一样的.一个人的品位和思想构成了不同的性格特点.实际上,一个人的性格就是其内心世界的外在表现.一个人的性格大概是他在这个世上最真实悠久的个人写照.如果约翰喜欢帮助那些弱势全体, 那么我们会永远记得他是一个好人. 因此,在某种意义上说,性格就是一个人的颜色.

    在我的日常生活中,经常遇见一些人比别人更受欢迎.名望是一种主观现象.许多社会学家正在尝试着找出它的构成因素.近来,有许多报道说斯贝尔兹.布里特尼在赌场豪赌甚至一丝不挂地驾车离去.不久,她就成为了雅虎网搜索列表的"榜首人物". 很不可思议吧? 自然, 她就成了一个亮点人物,不是吗? 所以,一个性格开朗的人比起那些古板的人应该更受欢迎吧?长相漂亮的人比丑八怪有更大的受欢迎度吧? 但是事实上,我们很难准确地指出哪种性格受欢迎抑或是不受欢迎.



    如果你不清楚自己属于哪种性格,那么就去做性格测验吧. 它会帮你更好地了解自己.

关键词: 性格 颜色
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