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放大字体缩小字体发布日期:2008-10-23 浏览次数: 1065
核心提示:Its true - although women have long been portrayed as weak, feeble, and unable to withstand pain - women do really feel pain differently than do men. On top of that, women feel *more* pain than do men because they are exposed to it more. Think about

      It’s true - although women have long been portrayed as weak, feeble, and unable to withstand pain - women do really feel pain differently than do men.

      On top of that, women feel *more* pain than do men because they are exposed to it more. Think about it. How many men have painful periods? How many have sore backs from being pregnant? How many have given birth?

      If we set aside the female-only issues, many other pain-producing disorders affect more women than men, like migraines and irritable bowel syndrome. Women also live longer than men do, even if diagnosed with fatal diseases, so we get to hang around longer while in more pain.

      There is research going on to try to determine why women feel pain differently. In one study, researchers injected the female hormone, estrogen, into male rats and the male hormone, testosterone, into female rats. The pain threshold dropped in the male rats and rose in the female rats.

      If you think about it, there must be a role played by estrogen because migraines, for example, can change drastically in quality, intensity, and frequency, every time a woman’s hormonal status changes (puberty, pregnancy, childbirth, and menopause).

      Other researchers have examined the brain of both men and women who experienced pain. The researchers did find definite differences in the brain reactions between the two.


      首先,女性感应到的痛苦多于男性,因为相比较男性,她们要承受的痛苦范围广。我们可以想一想,没有男人有每个月“痛苦时期”, 他们不用承受怀孕的痛苦,他们不用承受生孩子的痛苦。



      仔细想一下,雌性激素一定在这里发挥某种作用。以偏头痛为例,偏头痛能够影响女性的每一次荷尔蒙变化(青春期,怀孕,分娩和更年期)的雷竞技百科 ,强度和频率。


      更多翻译详细信息请点击: http://www.trans1.cn
      关键词: 痛苦 男女有别

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