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勤洗手预防感冒 比维C片更有效

核心提示:The days are getting shorter, temperatures are dropping, and the cold and flu season is beginning. Many people have started taking vitamin C tablets as a precautionary measure. But research has shown that vitamin supplements do not provide nearly as

      The days are getting shorter, temperatures are dropping, and the cold and flu season is beginning. Many people have started taking vitamin C tablets as a precautionary measure. But research has shown that vitamin supplements do not provide nearly as much protection as other measures, like frequently washing your hands – and that high doses can even be harmful. The German Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG) has published information and a quiz on the subject of prevention, helping to separate widespread myths from facts.

      Promising news is quickly assumed to be true

      Many people overestimate the benefits of vitamin C and other antioxidants. For years it was believed that taking vitamin C supplements not only provided protection against colds, but also against cancer, helping people to live longer. An easy-to-understand summary of the research in this area, refuting these beliefs, has now been published on IQWiG's website www.informedhealthonline.org. "Not only is there no proof that some antioxidants prolong life, but there is some evidence that certain products may even lead to earlier death", says Professor Peter Sawicki, the Institute's Director.

      "Positive" news gives people hope, which can quickly spread, become deeply held beliefs. Professor Sawicki: "It can be very difficult to accept that these beliefs are myths, but they are not true if further research does not confirm them or the research points to the opposite conclusion."

      Simple strategies can prevent respiratory infections

      Whether it is caused by a mild cold or the flu, a runny nose and sore throat are signs of a viral infection. Many people are absolutely convinced that vitamin C provides protection against respiratory infections. Yet research has shown that vitamin C does not prevent infection, and that high doses can even be harmful.
      There are many simple but effective ways to lower the risk of respiratory infections. These include frequently washing your hands with normal soap and water, and not touching your face with your hands. People who already have a respiratory infection can stop it from spreading by throwing away tissues immediately after using them and not shaking hands with other people.

      白天越来越短,温度越来越低,感冒和流感的流行期来临了。很多人开始服用维C片来预防。但是,研究已经表明,维生素片几乎不能提供预防功效,不如勤洗手有效。过多服用维生素片反而对人体有害。德国 IQWiG(The German Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care)发表了相关信息和测验,来帮助人们消除谣言,廓清事实。


      许多人高估了维C和其它抗氧化剂的好处。多年来,人们相信,服用维C片不但能预防感冒,而且能防癌,从而使人长寿。该领域一份通俗易懂的研究报告否定了维C片的诸多益处,该报告已经发表在 IQWiG 的网站(www.informedhealthonline.org)上。“没有证据表明抗氧化剂能使人长寿,相反,有些证据表明某些产品可能导致寿命缩短。”Peter Sawicki 教授说,他是该研究所的主任。

      “正面”传闻带给人们希望,因此能快速传播,深入人心。Sawichi 教授说:“要人们接受他们深信不疑的事情只是谣传,非常困难,但是,那些确非事实,除非将来的研究能证明其正确或者我们是错的。”




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      关键词: 勤洗手 感冒 维C片

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