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放大字体缩小字体发布日期:2008-09-02 浏览次数: 462
核心提示:Younger Kids Don't Care What's Fair If youve ever spent time with toddlers, sooner or later youll hear the word Mine! Its usually followed by an adult saying, Now, now, you have to learn to share. But a study in the August 28th issue of Nature sugge

      Younger Kids Don't Care What's Fair

      If you’ve ever spent time with toddlers, sooner or later you’ll hear the word “Mine!” It’s usually followed by an adult saying, “Now, now, you have to learn to share.” But a study in the August 28th issue of Nature suggests we may be wasting our breath. Because kids in the preschool set have no interest in making sure everyone gets their fair share.

      Scientists from Switzerland wondered if, and when, young children begin to consider the welfare of others. So they gathered up over 200 Swiss schoolchildren and a small mountain of candy. And one-by-one they gave each child a choice that goes something like this: I can give one M&M to you and one to one of the other kids. Or I can give one to you—and none to anyone else.

      Children who were three or four years old didn’t much care whether or not their friends also got an M&M, or a jellybean or any other sweet. But that attitude changed by the time the kids were seven or eight, when almost 80 percent of them opted to be fair. Okay, that doesn’t exactly make them candidates for a Nobel Peace Prize. But maybe magnanimousness begins with an M…&M.



      研究发现3、4岁的孩子不是很在乎别的小朋友是否也得到一块糖果、果冻或者其他任何的甜食。但是当孩子长到7、8岁的时候他们表现出不同的态度,80%的孩子选择公平。当然了,这并不表明他们就可以作为诺贝尔和平奖的候选人。 不过宽容大度可能就始自于分享一块糖果呢。

      Toddler: 初学步的小孩
      Welfare: 福利;好处
      Jellybean: 豆型软糖
      Opt: 选择
      Magnanimousness: 宽宏;大度

      更多翻译详细信息请点击: http://www.trans1.cn
      关键词: 幼儿 公平

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