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核心提示:The Basics Check any woman's bathroom, and chances are you'll find a plethora of makeup, much of it old and barely used. But choosing a makeup should be as simple as choosing an ice-cream flavor -- once you know what's best for you. Along those line

      The Basics

      Check any woman's bathroom, and chances are you'll find a plethora of makeup, much of it old and barely used. But choosing a makeup should be as simple as choosing an ice-cream flavor -- once you know what's best for you. Along those lines, follow this advice:

      Use a moisturizing makeup remover that leaves your face feeling clean and soft.
      Throw foundation away after three months. After a few months, the oils in foundation can go bad and smell rancid, says Gabriela Hernandez, makeup artist in Los Angeles. Powder makeups like blushes and eye shadows last a little longer, but make sure to throw them out after a year.

      Keep your makeup style fresh and current. A subtle change now and then will keep your look fashionable. If you'd rather not change your colors completely, change the texture. For example, if you love a particular shade of eye shadow, choose the same shade in a sparkly version. The small change will get noticed, but it won't be too dramatic.


      If you're blessed with great skin, use as little foundation as possible, suggests Dianne M. Daniels, image consultant and color analyst at Image & Color Services in Norwich, Connecticut. If you do use foundation, choose a sheer liquid foundation instead of a corrective foundation and top it off with a dusting of loose powder.

      For a bit more coverage, go for a crème-to-powder foundation.

      Mature skin usually requires a heavier crème foundation -- a powder finish may actually accentuate lines in your face.

      Make sure you apply the right amount of foundation to your face. Too much is like pointing a neon sign at your wrinkles, says Daniels. Instead, dip a fine brush or makeup sponge in a lightweight foundation and dab it on skin blotches and brown spots to even them out. Then take a damp sponge and apply foundation to your entire face, making sure to match the color of your neck and blend in well so there's no obvious line at your chin.

      For instant radiance, mix liquid bronzer with your foundation or moisturizer before applying it to your face.

      Use a makeup sponge instead of your finger to apply foundation. Dipping your finger into your foundation spreads bacteria, which can cause breakouts. And use a fresh, disposable makeup sponge every day.




      丢掉使用三个月后的粉底液。若干个月后,粉底液的油份会变质及有异味,粉状化妆品例如腮红和眼影可以保存稍长时间,但是要确保一年后丢弃,洛杉矶的化妆师Gabriela Hernandez说道。



      如果你天生有美好的皮肤,尽量少用粉底液,美国康涅狄格州诺里奇郡的形象&色彩服务机构的形象及色彩咨询师Dianne M. Daniels建议道。如果你选择使用粉底,那么选择一款透明液体粉底,而非修正型粉底,并用一点散粉把它盖住。






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      关键词: 使用 化妆品

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