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核心提示:The biggest freshman class ever is headed to college in a few weeks. But there's one big issue that many parents have yet to resolve: How much should they give their kids for spending money? It can be mind-boggling to think that the kid will require

      The biggest freshman class ever is headed to college in a few weeks. But there's one big issue that many parents have yet to resolve: How much should they give their kids for spending money?

      It can be mind-boggling to think that the kid will require even more dough after you've paid thousands of dollars in tuition, room and board, purchased a new computer, and budgeted for books and transportation. How much can a teenager really need, other than necessities like toothpaste and shampoo?

      A fair bit, it turns out. Toiletries, printer cartridges, dorm decor and school supplies can take a chunk, for starters. And while many campuses are teeming with dining options (including food courts) and cheap entertainment, students want to go out occasionally to see a movie, shop, go on a road trip or just take a break from the monotony of institutional food. 'You don't want to be the kid who sits in the dorm room and does nothing,' says Kim Richards, who will be a sophomore at Emerson College in Boston this fall.

      Even if your student has a generous financial-aid package, these costs most likely will be borne by one of you, since most packages require some combination of parent contributions, loans and student jobs. For parents, the challenge can be finding the right balance between being too frugal and too frivolous -- providing, perhaps, enough money for your child to eat, but not quite enough to drink.

      Because college is a great time to learn budgeting and other financial skills along with serious academic stuff, this is a good time to outline expectations and agree on limits. Here are some suggestions:

      Start talking before money becomes an issue. If your child will be expected to earn some of her spending money, make clear how much is expected upfront, and consider a backup plan in case illness or exams require missing a week of work. Some schools discourage freshmen from working during their first semester so they can adjust to the workload.

      In addition, you'll want to discuss what the allowance is supposed to cover. Will you pay extra so your Southerner can buy winter clothes? Who pays for the shuttle to and from the airport or the gas for a trip home?

      You'll also need to decide whether to put a semester's allowance in the checking account upfront, deposit money monthly, or add funds only as needed so your student can budget accordingly.

      Estimate a budget. To start the 'how much' conversation, look for the 'cost to attend' chart on the school's Web site, often found in the financial-aid or admissions pages. There, you'll find the amount factored in for 'personal expenses' in financial-aid packages. (These amounts are in addition to books, which most schools budget at roughly $500 per term.)

      Depending on the school, those amounts may be generous or tight-fisted. Middlebury College, in Middlebury, Vt., budgets $1,000 for personal expenses, but calls that 'a conservative estimate, which will require careful budgeting on your part.' Surprisingly, New York University budgets only about $1,000 a year for expenses, despite its pricey New York City location. An NYU spokesman says the amount needed 'is not less than that, and may be more.'

      By contrast, the University of Kansas, in the hopping town of Lawrence, estimates personal expenses at $2,272 a year. The University of California-Davis surveyed its students to come up with its estimate of $1,308.
      Whether your student's budget falls within the typical estimate of $1,000 to $2,000 will depend on his eating habits and extracurricular activities -- and your willingness to fund them.

      At $200 or so a month, however, your child still won't be living large. Ms. Richards, the Emerson student, receives $100 a month from her parents and earns an additional $120 from a campus job, and watches her dollars carefully. When a group of her friends went to Cheesecake Factory to celebrate the end of last fall's semester, the bill came to $30 a person -- a week's paycheck. 'We were all in shock,' she says.

      Paper or plastic? Your student will need a checking account for basic needs and should have a credit card for emergencies. If you share your card, agree in advance what it can be used for and how you'll be alerted.

      Sooner or later, your student should get a credit card in his name to establish a credit record, and getting a card may be easier as a student than later on. Students should be responsible for their own accounts, paying their own bills and learning the ins and outs of credit limits, minimum payments and due dates.

      They may need some time to get the hang of it. Emily Roth, who will be a sophomore at Emory University in Atlanta, had trouble remembering the due date at first -- until she got hit with a late fee. 'I set up an email alert after that,' she says.

      Email alerts also can be set up to warn when the charges are near the card's credit limit and to let students know when their checking account balance is low. The student can also set up an automatic monthly payment from a checking account so that at least a minimum amount is paid each month, which helps to avoid late fees.



      可以这么说,反正少不了。对于大学新生来说,卫生用品、打印墨盒、宿舍装饰以及学习用品要占到很大一部分。虽然很多学校不乏就餐的选择(包括汇集各种食物的美食广场)和便宜的娱乐项目,但是学生们还是会偶尔出去看电影、购物或者旅行,或暂时摆脱一下单调的校园食品。克姆?理查兹(Kim Richards)今年秋天即将升入波士顿埃默森大学二年级,他说,“你肯定不想一天到晚坐在宿舍里,什么也不干。”







      此类开销可多可少,取决于具体的学校。位于佛蒙特州米德尔伯里的米德尔伯里学院(Middlebury College)估计个人开销在1,000美元,但称“这只是一个保守的预测,需要家长仔细制定预算。”出人意料的是,纽约大学(New York University)估算的个人开销仅为每年大约1,000美元,尽管该校位于物价昂贵的纽约。纽约大学的一位发言人表示,学生所需的个人开销“不会低于这个水平,而且可能更高。”

      相比之下,位于繁忙的劳伦斯的堪萨斯大学(University of Kansas)预计个人开销为每年2,272美元。加州大学戴维斯分校(University of California-Davis)通过对学生的调查,估计个人开销需要1,308美元。


      不过,每个月200美元的零花钱,你们的孩子还不至于过得很铺张。埃默森大学的大二学生理查兹每个月从父母那里收到100美元的零花钱,自己靠校园打工有120美元的收入,她花钱一直精打细算。去年秋天,她和一帮朋友前往Cheesecake Factory庆祝学期结束,结果发现每人得付30美元──整整一周的收入。她说,“我们都惊呆了。”



      他们可能需要一些时间才能熟悉信用卡的用法。亚特兰大埃默里大学(Emory University)的大二学生埃米丽?罗斯(Emily Roth)在开始的时候就不大能记得住信用卡的到期日,直到她收到了滞纳金的帐单。她说,“自那以后,我就设置了电子邮件提醒功能。”


      更多翻译详细信息请点击: http://www.trans1.cn
      关键词: 大学 新生 零花钱

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