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核心提示:College is an incredibly different experience than high school. This simple fact is what makes it tough for many people to make the proper transition. The classes are harder, the stress is higher, and you don't have parent's to answer to. You have q

      College is an incredibly different experience than high school. This simple fact is what makes it tough for many people to make the proper transition. The classes are harder, the stress is higher, and you don't have parent's to answer to. You have quite a bit of freedom. Making friends in college is easier than you think.

      The first thing you should remember is that the beginning of the year is prime time to make friends. No one has established connections with anyone. That means that you can go in there, and make many friends in a single day or night simply because you started talking to someone. In high school, it may have been a bit tough to approach people when all their friends are around. But in college, no one has friends at the start. Use this idea to your advantage.

      Don't be afraid to talk to people. And don't be afraid to listen. Kids are used to unloading on their parents, and when their parents are gone, they are going to need someone to unload on. If you can become that person for someone, they will be your friend for years to come.

      Don't sit in your dorm room at night. Video games are the biggest problem with people just sitting in their rooms all night. Don't be like that. You need to have a leg up on the competition.

      Set up study groups. Not only will this help you with classes, but you'll meet people at the same point in their college careers.



      不要害怕对别人讲话, 不要害怕听别人说话。婴儿对父母是没有防备的,当父母不在身边的时候,他们需要别人让其没有防备。如果你能让某些人对你卸下心防,他们就会变成你多年的朋友。



      更多翻译详细信息请点击: http://www.trans1.cn
      关键词: 大学 交朋友

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