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核心提示:If you are like me, you have a big heart, but not the pocket book to match. In my never ending search for ways to make this planet a more harmonious place, I have found a few ways to contribute to good causes without writing a check. Here are five w

      If you are like me, you have a big heart, but not the pocket book to match. In my never ending search for ways to make this planet a more harmonious place, I have found a few ways to contribute to good causes without writing a check. Here are five ways you too can be a charitable soul.

      1. Donate clothes or household items- If you go through your closets, drawers, and garage, you will find several items you no longer need or use. Donating these items to a local church or charity such as Good Will or Salvation Army can help your community in more than one way. Someone may find your trash as a new found treasure, while the proceeds from your items may help provide education and career services for others in your community. Now isn't that better than just throwing out your old clothes?

      2. Donate hair- If you have some long locks you are considering cutting off, why not donate your hair to a charity that will turn your ponytail into a wig for a sick child? This is one of the easiest and most rewarding ways to make a charitable donation. In most cases all you need is 8 to 12 inches of hair with which you are willing to part ways. Some organizations that accept hair are Locks of Love, Wigs for Kids, Pantene Beautiful Lengths.

      3. Donate time- Becoming a volunteer in your community can be a very rewarding experience. There are numerous ways to lend a helping hand in your community. Find something that interests you and commit to helping out. As a volunteer you can decide how much time and effort you can afford to contribute.

      4. Donate recyclable goods- You are not using your old soda cans anymore, so why not donate them to a charitable cause? Many cities collect recyclable goods and turn the proceeds into donations to various charities. The Habitat for Humanity, for example, accepts aluminum cans which they turn into building supplies. Many fire stations collect cans and turn the proceeds into donations for burn centers. As we all know, recycling is also good for the environment. You can feel good about doing two good deeds at the same time. Check out what is available in your community.

      5. Donate blood- Find a local blood bank and donate a powerful gift of life. Not everyone is a candidate for this, however, so be sure to check the American Red Cross guidelines first.


      1、捐赠衣服或房屋——如果你搜索你的衣橱、抽屉或车库,你将发现有些东西你不再需要或使用。那把这些东西捐给教堂或慈善机构如“Good Will ”(“爱心”)或“Salvation Army ”“救世军”用更多方法帮助社区。有人可能发现你的无用的东西是一种珍宝,同时来自你的这些东西的收益可能帮助你社区的其他人提供教育或就业服务。现在,这难道不必仅仅仍掉旧衣服好吗?

      2、 捐头发——如果你的头发有些长,你想剪掉,那么为什么不把你头发捐给教堂?他们可以为一个生病的小孩做一个假发。这是一个最简单、最有意的捐献方式之一。在大多情况下,你需要8~12英寸的头发,这是令人满意剪掉方式。一些接受头发的组织

      是 “Locks of Love”、“Wigs for Kids”以及“Pantene Beautiful Lengths”。



      5、献血——找到当地一个血库,奉献一份有力的生命礼物。并不是每一个人都可以成为献血者 ,因此,首先查美国红十字指导方针进行确认。

      更多翻译详细信息请点击: http://www.trans1.cn
      关键词: 慈善 方法

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