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放大字体缩小字体发布日期:2008-08-12 浏览次数: 545
核心提示:Our short-term visual memory is more flexible than scientists had imagined, UK researchers have discovered. It is not restricted to a limited number of objects, as previously thought, but can be shared out across a whole image, with more memory allo

      Our short-term visual memory is more flexible than scientists had imagined, UK researchers have discovered. It is not restricted to a limited number of objects, as previously thought, but can be “shared out” across a whole image, with more memory allocated to objects of interest and less to background detail.

      Paul Bays and Masud Husain asked volunteers at University College London to look at a computer screen featuring a number of objects. After a few seconds it went blank and one object reappeared in a slightly different place. The volunteer then had to say whether it had moved to the right or left.

      The accuracy with which people could recall the object's original position decreased gradually as the scene became more crowded, but there was no sharp drop in performance at a limit of four or five objects as prevailing wisdom would suggest. The study appears on the 8 Aug in Science.

      When watching an Olympic relay race, for example, we might allocate more memory to the faces of the team we are supporting but also allocate a significant proportion to the baton, a key object in the scene. While less important details, such as the athletes' clothes and members of the other teams, will be recalled less clearly, visually arresting details – such as a runner's pink hair – will catch our attention and will be allocated more memory, too.

      “It's all about allocating working memory to the things that are most important,” says Dr Bays. “When something grabs our attention, we divert some of our working memory to it in case it turns out to be important. In other words, it gets the lion's share of memory resources.”


      保罗?贝斯(Paul Bays)和马苏德?侯赛因(Masud Husain)要求伦敦大学学院(University College London)的志愿者观看一个电脑屏幕,屏幕上先是显示一些物体,几秒后变成空白,然后一个物体重新出现,但位置略有些变动。志愿者须说出这个物体向左还是向右移了。




      更多翻译详细信息请点击: http://www.trans1.cn
      关键词: 视觉 记忆

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