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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2008-01-31
核心提示:Solar lit handbag There are many uses for a portable solar panel. You can recharge a number of things such as computer notebooks, torches, even water pumps, with them. The latest design, however, features the handbag. Noticing how often her friends

    Solar lit handbag

    There are many uses for a portable solar panel. You can recharge a number of things such as computer notebooks, torches, even water pumps, with them. The latest design, however, features the handbag. Noticing how often her friends searched for keys and other items at the unseen bottom of their bags, Rosanna Kilfedder, a student at Brunel University, had a bright idea. She designed a handbag with its very own inside light. She called it the Sun Trap, and it works by having a solar cell fitted on the outside. 

    The cell stores solar energy to a battery which lights up the inside of the bag whenever the zip, acting as a switch, is used.  What’s more, the handy battery is friendly enough to act as an emergency charger for your mobile phone and other small gadgets.

    Sun and wind pair up for radio show

    Two radio presenters in Wales will be relying on eco-friendly power to keep their small community radio station going. Broadcasting from a small church in north Pembrokeshire, Preseli FM will use power generated from the wind and the sun to broadcast 24 hours a day for a month-long experiment. Preseli FM is designed for the local community with topics of interest for all ages, including ‘talk show’ spots. But, if all goes well, it is hoped that the signals may have enough puff to reach listeners in other parts of the UK.

    World's 'greenest' football stadium

    Manchester wants to become the UK’s most environmentally friendly city. It is planning to introduce the first sports stadium in the world that is powered by renewable energy. The designs feature several renewable systems from wind turbines, to water recycling, and storage of enough solar energy to supply 4,000 homes. All of this is due to be ready by the 2006/07 football season. It’s not just the sports fans who will benefit: ‘People across Manchester will be able to buy into the 100 per cent renewable energy produced’ says Pete Bradshaw, Social Responsibility Manager for Manchester City Football Club.

    What kind of green energy choices are you making?


    一块便携式的太阳能电池板有多种用途。你可以用它给很多东西充电,比如笔记本电脑、电筒、甚至是抽水机。不过,最新的设计则将太阳能用在了手提包上。Rosanna Kilfedder是布鲁内尔大学的一名学生,她发现朋友们经常在包里翻来翻去,“摸索”钥匙或是其他一些小东西,因为包里面实在是暗得看不清东西。于是,她发明了一种里面发光的手提包。她称之为“Sun Trap ”(捕获阳光) 。这个手提包的外面装有一块太阳能电池用来储存能量,包的拉链充当开关,每当拉动拉链时, 包里面就会亮起来。遇到紧急情况时,这块电池还可以给手机或是其他的一些小型用电器充电。


    威尔士的两个电台节目主持人将依靠太阳能和风能为他们的社区广播站提供需要的能源。这个广播站位于彭布鲁克郡(威尔士郡的原郡名)北部的一个小教堂内。Preseli FM电台将尝试利用太阳能和风能支持每天24小时的广播,这次实验为期一个月。Preseli FM是一个社区电台,有适合不同年龄层次的各种节目,包括访谈节目。不过,如果一切顺利,节目的信号如果够强的话,可能英国其他的地方也能听到他们的节目。




关键词: 能源 是否 环保
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