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What is the worldwide distribution of transgenic plants?

·Å´ó×ÖÌåËõС×ÖÌå·¢²¼ÈÕÆÚ£º2007-06-06 ä¯ÀÀ´ÎÊý£º 451
ºËÐÄÌáʾ£ºAccording to the Annual Global Review of Commercialised Transgenic (GM) Crops, conducted by Dr Clive James, Chairman of the ISAAA Board of Directors, the distribution of transgenic crops is as follows: The estimated total area of transgenic crops fo

      According to the Annual Global Review of Commercialised Transgenic (GM) Crops, conducted by Dr Clive James, Chairman of the ISAAA Board of Directors, the distribution of transgenic crops is as follows:

      The estimated total area of transgenic crops for 2001 is about 52.6 million hectares. The increase between 2000 and 2001 was 19%, which is almost twice the increase of the year before (about 11%). More than 25% of all transgenic crops were cultivated in six developing countries. The main countries that grow 99 % of all transgenic plants are the following:

      Country Area in million hectares Percentage of all GM crops
      USA 39 66
      Argentina 13,5 23
      Canada 3,5 6
      China 2,1 4

      ISAAA is a non-profit organization, which supports the acquisition and the transfer of agricultural biotechnology applications, especially proprietary technology from the private sector, from industrial to developing countries.

      ¸ü¶à·­ÒëÏêϸÐÅÏ¢Çëµã»÷£º http://www.trans1.cn

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