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What are the most common types of food intolerance?

·Å´ó×ÖÌåËõС×ÖÌå·¢²¼ÈÕÆÚ£º2007-06-06 ä¯ÀÀ´ÎÊý£º 487
ºËÐÄÌáʾ£ºLactose intolerance is the most common type of food intolerance. People who suffer from lactose intolerance do not have enough of the enzyme lactase to digest the sugar lactose in milk. Other common types of food intolerance include intolerance of fr
      Lactose intolerance is the most common type of food intolerance. People who suffer from lactose intolerance do not have enough of the enzyme lactase to digest the sugar lactose in milk. Other common types of food intolerance include intolerance of fructose, gluten, alcohol, certain types of fibers and food additives such as flavour enhancers (MSG) or preservatives (sulphite) used in foods.
      ¸ü¶à·­ÒëÏêϸÐÅÏ¢Çëµã»÷£º http://www.trans1.cn
      ¹Ø¼ü´Ê£º types intolerance

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