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Tantalum (Ta)

·Å´ó×ÖÌåËõС×ÖÌå·¢²¼ÈÕÆÚ£º2007-05-28 ä¯ÀÀ´ÎÊý£º 566
ºËÐÄÌáʾ£ºMay be harmful by inhalation, ingestion or skin absorption. Causes eye and skin irritation. Material is irritating to mucous membranes upper respiratory tract. Massive doses of tantalum given by intratracheal route to rats have produced respiratory

      May be harmful by inhalation, ingestion or skin absorption. Causes eye and skin irritation. Material is irritating to mucous membranes & upper respiratory tract.

      Massive doses of tantalum given by intratracheal route to rats have produced respiratory tract lesions. In contact with tissue, metallic tantalum is inert.

      No signs and symptoms of chronic exposure to tantalum have been reported in humans, neither has tantalum toxicity from food been recorded.

      ¸ü¶à·­ÒëÏêϸÐÅÏ¢Çëµã»÷£º http://www.trans1.cn
      ¹Ø¼ü´Ê£º Tantalum (Ta)

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