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转基因动物 Transgenic Animals -生物名词

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An organism (typically a mouse) that is engineered to carry a foreign gene, or transgene of choice, as part of its own genetic material. The gene to be introduced is first isolated and engineered (using the techniques of genetic engineering) to carry appropriate elements. The transgene of choice is then injected into a fertilized egg, which is obtained as follows; A female mouse is injected with several hormones to cause it to produce numerous eggs; The female is then mated with a male so that some of the eggs are fertilized; the eggs are collected before they divide and are injected with the foreign genetic material. These eggs are then transplanted back into another (recipient) female, in which they can develop to term. In some of the eggs, the genetic material integrates at a random site on a chromosome and so becomes part of the mouse cell’s genetic material. The animal resulting from that egg will therefore carry that gene and so is a transgenic animal. Trangenic animals are very useful for delineating the function of newly discovered genes as well as for producing useful proteins in large animals (e.g. the production of alpha anti-trypsin in goat’s milk).

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