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Juice Time:来杯新鲜的果汁吧!

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2011-03-26  来源:养生保健网
核心提示:本文不只是一般有关保健的文章,而是提供给大家已经证实可以有效治疗特定疾病的功能性果汁,比如,常见的高血压。作者为Health & Healing新闻撰稿人,朱利安怀特克博士 (Dr. Julian Whitaker)。

Some mornings on my way to work, I drop by the local Jamba Juice store a block from my office and down 16 ounces of carrot juice and four ounces each of wheatgrass juice and a green tea energy drink. I drink this cocktail for overall health and vitality. The wheatgrass is full of vitamin K and amino acids, the carrot juice is packed with beta-carotene, and the green tea gives me a boost of caffeine and antioxidants to get my day started.

Celery Juice Lowers Blood Pressure
When you think about lowering blood pressure, celery probably isn't the first thing that comes to mind. But this crunchy vegetable deserves some serious attention. Loaded with potassium and magnesium, celery contains something even more important: 3-n-butyl-phthalide, a compound that relaxes the smooth muscle cells in the arterial walls, allowing the arteries to dilate and effectively lowering blood pressure.

One of the physicians at Whitaker Wellness decided to put celery to the test. Every day for a month, she and her father juiced and drank one bunch of celery, mixed with a little orange juice for flavor (it's somewhat bitter on its own). Her father's systolic blood pressure went from 148 to 128 and hers went from 120 to 105. Imagine results this dramatic without dangerous prescription drugs!

Another great juice for people with hypertension is Low-Sodium V8 Juice. It works on two fronts to lower blood pressure. First, it contains a particularly high dose of potassium (840 mg per eight ounces) that helps keep blood pressure in check. Second, according to a study recently published in JAMA, it is an effective blood thinner, which further contributes to its antihypertensive effects. For Ted, one of my longtime patients, simply drinking 12 ounces of Low-Sodium V8 Juice daily was enough to keep his blood pressure in the normal range.

Cabbage Juice Heals the Stomach
Roman statesman Cato the Elder wrote more than 2,000 years ago that, as a digestive aid, "Cabbage surpasses all vegetables." One reason is its high content of glutamine, an amino acid that serves as a primary fuel for the rapidly dividing cells of the GI mucosa. Multiple studies support cabbage's reputation as a therapy for gastrointestinal (GI) disorders, especially ulcers, heartburn, and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). In one of them, cabbage juice healed peptic and duodenal ulcers in an incredible 92 percent of cases studied!

One person who swears by cabbage juice is a patient we'll call Betty, who was recently at the clinic. Betty was plagued with inflammation of the stomach lining and severe acid reflux. Her conventional doctor tried her on all the usual drugs, but nothing alleviated her pain or reduced the frequency of her episodes-until she came across an article on cabbage juice and decided to give it a shot.

Now whenever Betty has a flare-up, she drinks the juice from half a head of cabbage (yielding approximately four ounces of pleasant-tasting, slightly sweet juice) five times a day for about three days, in addition to copious amounts of water. This three day-regimen keeps her problem-free for eight or nine months-and I'll bet if she drank it religiously, she wouldn't have any problems at all.

Sauerkraut has also been touted for its ability to heal the stomach. In addition to the healthful compounds found in cabbage, this fermented food and its juice are also an excellent source of beneficial bacteria that nurture the GI tract. Eldon, a Health & Healing subscriber, eats it right from the jar to quell heartburn.

Cherry Juice Reduces Pain and Inflammation
Cherries make a mean pie, but a pain reliever? In recent years, cherries have been discovered to contain potent natural anti-inflammatory compounds called anthocyanins and other flavonoids that work on the same inflammation pathways as aspirin and NSAIDs to reduce pain. In fact, researchers from Michigan State University found that just 10 tart cherries pack the same pain-relieving punch as one or two aspirin-and offer a wallop of antioxidants to boot.

Cherries have also been shown to reduce gout. Gout is caused by a buildup of uric acid, which crystallizes in the joints and causes pain, stiffness, and inflammation. In a study conducted at the University of California Davis, eating eight ounces of cherries significantly reduced levels of plasma urate, a marker of uric acid. Cherries also produced small but notable decreases in markers of inflammation.

Francis, a friend of mine, squelches the gout pain in his big toe by eating cherries. And J. Otto Garry, a subscriber from Tamarac, Florida, has had great success treating his arthritis with cherry juice. He drinks three ounces in the morning and another three ounces in the evening to reduce and prevent inflammation. He also includes cod liver oil in his juice and takes alfalfa tablets along with it, which add to its anti-inflammatory value.

Cranberry Juice for UTIs
Everybody knows that cranberry juice can prevent and treat urinary tract infections (UTIs), but have you ever wondered why? Cranberries contain a combination of anthocyanins (the phytonutrient that gives both cranberries and cherries their rich color) and a unique sugar called mannose. Together, these compounds are responsible for thwarting UTIs by making it impossible for bacteria to cling to the walls of the bladder and urinary tract.

Ann, a subscriber I met at a Subscriber Seminar a while back, told me she used to have frequent UTIs until she started keeping a bottle of unsweetened cranberry juice in her fridge. Now when she feels a flare-up coming on, she drinks a glass or two daily for a few days, and she never gets infections anymore.

Judicious Juicing
As a general rule of thumb, I don't recommend drinking a lot of fruit juice as it is loaded with sugar and calories. However, the juices listed above boast too many healing properties to ignore. Judicious juicing offers an easy way to drink to your health and naturally knock out many pressing health concerns. Bottoms up!

*Some of the juices discussed here are already prepared. Look for Low-Sodium V8 in your grocery store. (Do not substitute regular V8; it contains way too much sodium. If your store doesn't carry it, ask them to order it for you.) You can find unsweetened cranberry and cherry juice at your local health food store. Cherry juice is also available from King Orchards, (877) 937-5464, mi-cherries.com.

*You're going to have to make your own cabbage and celery juice-and you can make your own cranberry and cherry juice from fresh or frozen cranberries and pitted cherries, if you'd like. There are many quality juicers available in department and specialty stores. Look for one that suits your lifestyle and specific needs.

*Suggested doses, taken daily or as needed, are as follows: celery juice from one bunch; cabbage, 4 ounces from one-half head, two to five times a day; sauerkraut, one cup (if you're going to do this regularly, you're better off with cabbage juice because sauerkraut contains a lot of sodium); unsweetened cherry juice, one-half to one cup; unsweetened cranberry juice, one-half to one cup. (If any of these juices are too tart, dilute with water and add a little stevia or xylitol to sweeten.)

为了健康和活力,我每天早上都会在上班途中买一杯混合 16 盎司胡萝卜汁、4 盎司小麦草汁和绿茶的有机果汁。小麦草丰富的维生素 K 及胺基酸、胡萝卜的 β-胡萝卜素,以及绿茶的咖啡因和抗氧化物都是我一天活力的来源。

提到降血压,吃芹菜可能不会是你第一个想到的方式,但是这种松脆的蔬菜确实值得受到一些关注。除了钾和镁之外,芹菜还有更重要的成分:3-丁基苯酞 (3-n-Butylphthalide),这是一种可以放松动脉平滑肌细胞的化合物,帮助降低血压。

一所健康机构的医师以芹菜做了一项实验,为期一个月,她和父亲每天喝下一杯芹菜和柳橙榨成的果汁,结果收缩压分别降低了 20 毫米和 15 毫米。在不使用处方药的情况下,你可以想象效果多么惊人。

低钠 V8 果汁也是有益高血压患者健康的果汁。它含有大量的钾 (每 8 盎司 840 毫克) 能帮助抑制血压;并且根据刊载于《美国医学会期刊》的研究指出,它也是一种有效的抗凝血剂,可以进一步降低血压。一位长期病患每天喝下 12 盎司低钠 V8 果汁即足以将血压保持在正常范围。

罗马政治家老加图 (Cato the Elder) 在 2,000 多年前即写到:「高丽菜帮助消化的功用远超过所有的蔬菜。」原因之一即是其中丰富的谷氨酰胺 (Glutamine),这是胃肠道黏膜细胞快速分裂时的主要能量来源。目前已经有很多研究证实,高丽菜在治疗胃肠道疾病的效用,特别是胃溃疡、胃灼热及胃食道逆流 (GERD)。在一项研究中,高丽菜汁成功治愈了高达 92% 的消化性溃疡 (Peptic) 及十二指肠溃疡 (Duodenal) 病例。


这名患者只要一发病,除了大量的水之外,还会喝下半颗高丽菜榨成的蔬菜汁 (大约 4 盎司的微甜蔬菜汁),每天 5 次,连续 3 天。八、九个月后她的胃病就消失了。我相信如果她持续饮用,这毛病也不会再复发。

德国泡菜 (Sauerkraut) 也因为有治胃的功效而家喻户晓。除了高丽菜中有益健康的化合物之外,这种发酵食品和它的汁液也富含保健胃肠道的益菌。奉行健康疗法的艾登 (Eldon) 就直接食用德国泡菜来减轻溃疡的症状。

樱桃除了拿来做美味的派之外,还可以止痛?不要怀疑,近几年樱桃被发现含有丰富的天然抗炎化合物花青素 (Anthocyanin) 及其它黄酮类化合物 (Flavonoid)。它们和阿司匹林及非类固醇消炎止痛剂 (NSAID) 一样,能减缓发炎和疼痛。事实上,密执安州立大学的研究人员已经发现,10 颗酸樱桃的止痛效果就和一、两颗阿司匹林一样,而且还能增进抗氧化作用。

樱桃也被发现能够减缓痛风 (Gout) 症状。痛风是由于尿酸增加,并且在关节结晶而造成疼痛、僵硬和发炎的症状。加州大学戴维斯分校的一项研究发现,食用 8 盎司的樱桃可以大幅降低尿酸的浓度,并且减少些许发炎的情况。

先前一名患者即以樱桃减轻了脚拇指的痛风症状,另一名来自佛罗里达州的患者也非常成功地以樱桃汁治疗了关节炎 (Arthritis),他早晚各喝 3 盎司以减缓及预防发炎,还在果汁中加了鱼肝油,并且和苜蓿粒 (Alfalfa) 一起服用,增加抗炎的效用。

蔓越莓汁预防泌尿道感染 (UTI)
每个人都知道蔓越莓能预防和治疗泌尿道感染,但是你曾经想过为什么吗?这是因为蔓越莓含有一种花青素复合物 (蔓越莓和樱桃的颜色来源) 及一种称作甘露糖 (Mannose) 的独特醣类,可以防止病菌附着在膀胱及泌尿道而预防感染。



*寻找市面上的低钠 V8 果汁。(千万不要用一般的 V8 果汁,因为钠含量太高。如果没有现货,可以请店家帮忙代订。) 并且在当地的健康食品店寻找无糖的蔓越莓汁和樱桃汁,或是自己以新鲜或是冷冻的蔓越莓和去核樱桃榨汁。

* 高丽菜汁和芹菜汁就需要自己动手做了。市面上有很多种果汁机,只要依照自己的喜好和需求挑选适合的即可。

* 每日摄取量建议如下:1 把芹菜汁;4 盎司 (大约半颗) 高丽菜汁,一天 2 至 5 杯;1 杯德国泡菜汁 (如果要定时饮用,喝高丽菜汁比较好,因为泡菜的钠含量很高);无糖樱桃汁,半杯至 1 杯;无糖蔓越莓汁,半杯至 1 杯。(如果觉得太酸,可以加水稀释,然后加一点甜菊或是木糖醇。)

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