Resistant starch and others:The starch products not digested in the small intestine "fit the newer definitions of fiber," says Slavin. They're found in legumes as well as starches like potatoes, pasta, and rice that have been cooked and cooled (as inpotatoorpasta salad, orsushi), andbarely ripe bananas. And they're also being added to foods to increase fiber content without affecting taste, as well as to reduce caloric density; a product called Hi-maize, for example, is added to pastas and energy bars. In addition, resistant starch is a "prebiotic" that, when fermented in the large intestine, increases beneficial bacteria, says Hope Warshaw, a nutritionist and author of theReal-Life Guide to Diabetes. (She's also a consultant to National Starch, the maker of Hi-maize.) It doesn't, however, seem to have the cardiovascular effects of other soluble fibers, says Anderson.
抗性淀粉充饥解饿无能量 让你健康减肥两不误
抗性淀粉(resistant starch)又称抗酶解淀粉及难消化淀粉,这种淀粉较其他淀粉难降解,在体内消化缓慢,吸收和进入血液都较缓慢。抗性淀粉本身仍然是淀粉,其化学结构不同于纤维,但其性质类似溶解性纤维。
抗性淀粉存在于某些天然食品中,如马铃薯、青香蕉、冷掉的米饭(寿司)、意大利面等都含有抗性淀粉,特别是高直链淀粉的玉米淀粉(high amylosecorn starch)含抗性淀粉高达60%。抗性淀粉也可通过某些加工方法提高其含量,如将原淀粉加热使其糊化并迅速冷却,则此糊液产生老化,或将淀粉制品在冰箱内贮存,都可增加抗性淀粉含量;还可添加脂肪使淀粉变性以增加抗性淀粉含量,因脂肪可使淀粉分子内部的螺旋结构凝固而趋于稳定,可抵抗酶的侵蚀。
米饭,冷了再吃,冷饭中含有抗性淀粉 。不能加热,加热了就没呢