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放大字体缩小字体发布日期:2011-02-11 来源:Food Science 作者:xslynn编译
核心提示:A study published in the Journal of Food Science shows that vacuum frying can be an alternative to deep-fat frying to produce nutritious and novel snacks with desired quality attributes.

      Abstract: Consumers look for products that contribute to their wellness and health, however, even health-conscious consumers are not willing to sacrifice organoleptic properties, and intense full-flavor snacks remain an important trend. The objective of this study was to examine most important quality parameters of vacuum (1.92 in Hg) and atmospheric-fried carrot, potato, and apple slices to determine specific advantages of vacuum technology. Vacuum-fried carrot and potato chips absorbed about 50% less oil than atmospheric-fried chips, whereas vacuum-fried apple chips reduced oil absorption by 25%. Total carotenoids and ascorbic acid (AA) were greatly preserved during vacuum frying. Carrot chips vacuum fried at 98 °C retained about 90% of total carotenoids, whereas potato and apple slices vacuum fried at 98 °C, preserved around 95% of their initial AA content. Interestingly, results showed that the antioxidant capacity of chips may be related to both the presence of natural antioxidants and brown pigments developed at elevated temperatures.

      Practical Application:A way to reduce detrimental effects of deep-fat frying is through operating-pressure reduction, the essence behind vacuum deep-fat frying. In this way, it is possible to remove product moisture at a low temperature in a low-oxygen environment. The objective of this research was to study the effect of oil temperature reduction when vacuum frying traditional (potatoes) and nontraditional products (carrots and apples) on most important quality attributes (vitamins, color, and oil uptake). Results are promising and show that vacuum frying can be an alternative to produce nutritious and novel snacks with desired quality attributes, since vitamins and color were greatly preserved and oil absorption could be substantially reduced.

      摘要:消费者都想寻求对其健康有益的产品,但就算是非常注重健康的消费者也不情愿舍弃食品的感官特性,美味可口的小食仍是大势所趋。本研究的目的是通过检测真空和常压条件下油炸胡萝卜片、薯片和苹果片最重要的雷竞技百科 参数值以确定真空技术的独特优势。真空油炸胡萝卜片和薯片的吸油量较常压条件下所制降低了约50%,真空油炸苹果片降低了25%。真空油炸方式能保留大部分的类胡萝卜素和维生素C。98°C下真空油炸胡萝卜片保留了约90%的类胡萝卜素,98°C下真空油炸薯片和苹果片保留了约95%的维生素C。有趣的是,实验结果显示,这些炸片的抗氧化能力可能与其自身所带的天然抗氧化剂和高温条件下形成的棕色色素都有关系。

      实际应用:减小深度油炸不利危害的一个方法是降低其操作压力,这也是真空深炸的本质。这种方式可以于低温低氧环境下移走产品中的水分。本研究的目的是,探索真空油炸传统(土豆)和非传统(胡萝卜和苹果)产品时降低油温对其最重要雷竞技百科 属性(维他命,颜色及吸油量)所产生的影响。实验结果表明其是很有希望的,也显示了真空油炸可供选择用于生产营养新颖且具备期望雷竞技百科 属性的小食,因为大部分的维他命和色泽都可被保存下来,而且吸油量也能充分的降低。

      原文链接:Vacuum Frying as a Route to Produce Novel Snacks with Desired Quality Attributes According to New Health Trends
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