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放大字体缩小字体发布日期:2009-09-03 浏览次数: 1189
核心提示:Alcoholic is a primarily a depressant to central nervous system. Following a single dose, peak levels are reached in about one hour, persist for two hours and then decline gradually. After consumption appreciable quantity of alcohol there is release

      Alcoholic is a primarily a depressant to central nervous system. Following a single dose, peak levels are reached in about one hour, persist for two hours and then decline gradually. After consumption appreciable quantity of alcohol there is release of inhibitions resulting in a state of exhilaration and euphoria. Further doses of alcohol produce progressively, dizziness, slurred speech, ataxia, termors, confusion, nausea, vomiting and increase impairment of mental faculties until stupor and coma supervene. Physical examination at this stage reveals the skin to be hot and flushed or pale and sweating, deep reflexes are exaggerated with bilateral extensor planters, pupils and dilated, breathing is stertorous and pulse is full and bounding. Death occurs uncommonly from respiratory or circulatory failure.


      In the presence of a flushed face, semi coma or coma and the odour of alcohol, the diagnosis of alcohol intoxication is easy. However, when confronted with a comatose patient, it is advisable not to ascribe the loss of consciousness to alcohol until all the possibilities have been ruled out by appropriate examination and investigations. When coma persist for more then 24 hours, possibility of mixed poisoning, complicating head injury, subdural haematoma or cerebral stroke should be strongly considered.


      Most of the patients with mild to moderate degree of intoxication usually 'sleep it off' and require no special treatment. When stupor or coma has supervened, general principles of management are similar to those described under 'barbiturate poisoning'. Violent delirium should be controlled with injection chlorpromazine or diazepam but not with barbiturates because of their synergistic effect with alcohol.

      The stomach should be emptied and lavaged with tap water to remove unabsorbed alcohol. Administration of insulin and glucose or analeptic drugs is of little practical value. In the presence of deep coma, forced dieresis should be tried.



      在出现满脸通红、半昏迷或昏迷状态以及酒精气味的时候,诊断酒精中毒是很容易的。然而,面对昏睡的病人时,在所有的可能性均通过适当的检查和调查排除之前,建议不要马上将意识的丧失归咎于酒精。当持续昏迷超过 24 小时时,应该充分考虑混合中毒、复杂的颅脑损伤、硬膜下血肿或者脑中风的可能性。




      更多翻译详细信息请点击: http://www.trans1.cn
      关键词: 酒鬼 酒精

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