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放大字体缩小字体发布日期:2009-06-13 浏览次数: 730
核心提示:Helium, He is a gas at room temperature and is colourless, tasteless, odorless and is not poisonous. Atomic Number - 2 Weight of a Helium atom - 4.002602g/molˉ1(Weight per Helium atom) Melting point is- ?272.20 C Boiling point is- ?268.93 C This

      Helium, He is a gas at room temperature and is colourless, tasteless, odorless and is not poisonous.

      Atomic Number - 2

      Weight of a Helium atom - 4.002602g/molˉ1(Weight per Helium atom)

      Melting point is- ?272.20 °C

      Boiling point is- ?268.93 °C

      This means that Helium can exist as a liquid but the temperature is would have to reach would be near absolute zero which is at the moment physically impossible.

      Even though Helium is relatively rare on Earth it is the second most abundant element in the Universe(as we know it), because of nuclear fusion of hydrogen in stars more helium is being produced. On Earth helium is mainly found by the radioactive decay of radioactive elements. Helium is given off as α alpha radiation as ionised Helium particles.

      Helium was first discovered by a French astronomer on the 18th of August 1868 during a total solar eclipse when a bright yellow line 587.49 nanometers was discovered.

      Alpha particles were shown that they are helium nuclei by scientist Ernest Rutherford in1907.

      The main use of helium was mainly to replace the use of hydrogen gas in zeppelins as hydrogen was extremely flammable. The use that many people know of however is for pumping up party balloons, but some other uses are to use for welding (the helium used for this must be extremely pure) and helium can be mixed with hydrogen and used as a laser.

      Helium is found in stars and is reacted through Nuclear Fusion to make the other elements found throughout the Universe.

      氦,He 在室温下是一种气体,无色,尝不出也闻不到,无毒。


      氦原子的雷竞技百科 -4.002602克/摩尔(每个氦原子的雷竞技百科 )

      (译者注:4是氦的相对原子量,氦原子的雷竞技百科 约是6.6969*10^-27 kg)

      融解温度- -272.20°C

      沸腾温度- ?268.93 °C






      1907年,科学家Ernest Rutherford(阿内斯特 罗斯福),证实阿尔法衰变的粒子是氦的原子核。



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