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放大字体缩小字体发布日期:2009-05-08 浏览次数: 1001
核心提示:人到中年,大多数人会渐渐胖起来,其原因多种多样,如缺乏运动,代谢不畅,大吃大喝,营养过剩,形成皮下脂肪堆积。有研究表明,冬瓜皮(去掉硬质外皮)和红小豆是减肥的最佳食物。 冬瓜皮可以和西瓜皮、黄瓜皮一起凉拌做成鲜拌三皮。西瓜皮200克,黄瓜皮200克,冬瓜皮200克。将西





      Man usually gets fatter in middle age, which lies in a variety of reasons such as lack of exercise, poor metabolism, immdoest eating and nutritional excess, resulting in the accumulation of subcutaneous fat. Studies have shown that the wax gourd peel ( the hard peel removed) and small red bean are the best diet foods.

      The mixed peel of wax gourd ,watermelon and cucumber is a tasty cold-dressed dish,which is called as“Delicious Three Mixed Peel”.

      Main ingredients: 200 grams of watermelon peel, 200 grams of cucumber peel and 200 grams of wax gourd peel.

      Cooking steps:Scrape the wax peel of the watermelon and the nap on the hard peel of the wax gourd, and blend them with cucumber peel together.Then rinse them in boiling water.And then cut them into strips after cooling down. Finally,add a little salt,monosodium glutamate and put them on the plate.

      Effects:Clearing away heat and promoting diuresis as well as weight loss if it is often taken.

      Take the small red bean porridge twice a day at breakfast and dinner.

      Effects: Promoting diuresis,strengthening spleen and weight loss.

      Ingredients: 30 grams of small red bean and 50 grams of japonica rice.

      Cooking steps:Wash the the small red beans and japonica rice clean,then put them in the pot,and then add water until the rotten rice turns into porridge.

      In addition, oatmeal porridge is also the excellent lipid-lowering and diet food,which is very applicable for the patients who are suffering obesity, hyperlipidemia and coronary heart disease as well as the daily health-care of the healthy people. Take it once a day at breakfast.

      Ingredients: 50 grams of oatmeal.

      Cooking steps:Put the oatmeal into the pot, then add clear water and heat until boiling,and then stir until the mixture is soft-cooked.

      And 250 milliliters of milk with oatmeal porridge is also available.

      更多翻译详细信息请点击: http://www.trans1.cn
      关键词: 减肥 冬瓜皮 红豆

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