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放大字体缩小字体发布日期:2009-03-03 浏览次数: 1445
核心提示:People often talk about diets vs. lifestyles. Diets dont work to lose fat. Lifestyle changes do. If you want to maintain a healthy body fat, I agree. But if you want to go from 20% body fat or more to 10% I dont. Fat is emergency storage for your bo

      People often talk about diets vs. lifestyles. Diets don’t work to lose fat. Lifestyle changes do.

      If you want to maintain a healthy body fat, I agree. But if you want to go from 20% body fat or more to 10% I don’t.

      Fat is emergency storage for your body. Forcing your body to lose fat isn’t a healthy condition to stay in. Fat loss must happen fast.

      Here’s how to lose fat fast.

      1. Eat less.Start eating your body-weight in lbs x 16kcal (useFitday). Cut 500kcal one week later. Check the balance one week later again.

      You Lose Weight:keep eating the same amount of calories.

      You Don’t Lose Weight:cut another 500 calories.

      Don’t jump on a 2000 calorie diet. Only cut calories when you don’t progress.

      2. Maintain Muscle.Lose fat, not muscle. Muscle burns calories, fat doesn’t. The more muscular you are, the more calories you burn.

      Eat.Fat is emergency storage. Your body will hold fat & burn muscle when you don’t eat. Don’t starve yourself, eat every 3 hours.

      Eat Protein. Get at least 1g/lbs protein daily so your body can build & maintain muscle. Eat meat, poultry, fish, eggs or whey every 3 hours.

      Get Stronger.If your body-weight stays the same & you build muscle, your body fat goes down. Get on StrongLifts 5×5.

      3. Burn More Calories.Burn more calories than you consume and you’ll lose fat. Be more active. Not only will you lose fat, you’ll also be healthier & feel better.

      Exercise.Tons of sports you can choose from: weight lifting, running,strength training, swimming, etc. Whatever you prefer.

      Move More.Stop choosing the parking spots near the entrance, watch less TV, play less video games, … Get out & walk.

      4. Do Cardio.Cardio makes you lose fat faster & allows you to eat more. If you burn 1000kcal using cardio, you can eat 500kcal more while still having a 500kcal deficit to lose fat. Here’s how to lose fat using cardio:

      3 x30 Mins.Work yourself up to 4 x 45 mins a week. Do the cardio post strength training. You won’t lose muscle if you eat post workout.

      Moderate Intensity.Your goal is to lose fat, not exhaust yourself. You should breathe heavier than when at rest, but not gasping.

      Elliptical Trainer.I prefer the elliptical trainer for cardio. Feel free to try other cardio machines.

      5. Eat Healthy.Your body stores carbs as fat when you eat too much of them. Carbs also cause carb cravings. Lower your carb intake, up your fat intake. This forces your body to use fat for energy.

      Macronutritients.Switch to a 45% protein, 20% fat, 35% carb diet. Use Fitday to calculate your macronutrient intake.

      Veggies. Low in calories, veggies fill your stomach without making you gain weight. Eat spinach, broccoli, asparagus, salad, cabbage, …

      Proteins. Get at least 1g/lbs proteindaily to build & maintain muscle. Eat meat, poultry, fish, eggs or whey every 3 hours.

      Whole Grain Carbs.Cut your carb intake. Eat the bulk of your carbs within 90 mins post exercise & go whole grain: oats, rice, breads, …

      Healthy Fats. Fat satiates, helping you fight hunger & carb cravings. Balance your fat intake: fish oil, saturated fat & olive oil. No trans fats.

      Quit Junk Food.Quit junk food & soda. Limit junk food consumption to once a week & don’t overdo it.

      Drink Water. Drink 1 liter per 1000 calories you expend. Your body will stop holding water if you drink more water.

      Fruit.Your body converts fruit to fat when you eat too much of it. Limit fruit consumption to post workout & consider a multivitamin.

      If you have trouble building the habit of eating healthy, check out the tips in StrongLifts 5×5 eBook.Click hereto get it for free.

      6. Eat The Same Every Day.The more variety you build into your diet, the less you stick to it. Eating the same every day is more effective. It also teaches you food is fuel in the first place, not pleasure.

      Select several healthy & balanced meals you like. Eat them every day. Change the meals when you get bored of them. Not fun, but effective. Think results.

      7. Keep Yourself Motivated.Set goals & track progress. The weigh scale is not your best tool. Better are:

      Fat Measurements. Measure your body fat weekly using a fat caliper.

      Pictures. Take pictures every 4 weeks.

      Blood test. Check health improvements.

      Weigh Scale. Only use it once a week, like every Friday.





      一 少食。食用每磅体重十六千卡(用Fitday)之热量,一周后减去五百千卡。愈周再权察之。




      二 持肌。去脂,非去肌也。肌燃热,脂不为。肌愈多,热愈去也。

      食。 脂乃应急之存。若不食,体将留脂燃肌也。故勿自饥,每三小时进食。


      增壮。若君之体重不更而肌增也,则君之体脂去矣。继服StrongLifts 5×5。

      三 额外燃热。若卡路里入不敷出,脂可减矣。活跃其身,则非但脂之能减,体质与感受皆愈佳也。

      锻炼。运动有百样可择: 负重、跑、力量训练、游泳等。任君挑选。


      四 有氧运动。有氧运动可速去体脂,可增君食欲。若君以有氧运动去一千千卡,则君可多食五百千卡,且尚有五百之失供去脂也。现示君如何去脂以有氧运动:

      三次三十分钟。每周做四次三刻钟之锻炼。力量训练之后做有氧运动。服post workout,则不失肌也。



      五 智食。若过食碳水化合物,则体存之以脂也。碳水化合物亦致瘾。碳水化合物之用少,则脂肪之用多矣。故体将用脂以耗能也。









      六 日不更食。节食谱花样愈多,则坚持力愈少。每日食谱不更更起效也。如是,则君亦知此第一要旨:食者,能源之需也,而非口实之欢也。


      七 自励。立志,自省其进。测重非最佳之策也。更善者乃:





      更多翻译详细信息请点击: http://www.trans1.cn
      关键词: 瘦身 减肥

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