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为什么人会脱发 --揭秘脱发的真相

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2008-11-13
核心提示:脱发的秘密,不是头皮中循环不通畅,不是毛囊堵塞,不是营养不良,也不是压力太大。 When those first patches of scalp start showing through, it's probably hard to care about why you're losing your hair. You just want to know how to make it stop. Baldness


When those first patches of scalp start showing through, it's probably hard to care about why you're losing your hair. You just want to know how to make it stop.

Baldness blights the lives of millions of Americans, both men and women, young and old. If you're fighting hair loss, chances are you've heard - and possibly tried - every gimmick out there. When you're this desperate, it's easy to make a mistake that could end up costing you lots of hard-earned cash, or, worse yet, precious hair follicles you don't have to spare.

"As recently as 20 years ago, there was little medical science could do to halt the loss of hair due to hereditary hairloss," says Dr. Alex Khadavi, a board-certified dermatologist and hair-loss expert. "Today, it is possible to find effective natural treatments for hair loss, but first one has to wade through a sea of information and misinformation to find the treatments that work."

Don't fall prey to products that play on these hair-loss myths:

* Poor circulation causes hair loss. -Research shows that medications that increase blood flow to the scalp do not grow hair. As further proof to debunk this myth, Khadavi points out that hair transplanted to balding areas produces new hair growth, demonstrating that there is adequate blood flow to the area to support hair.

*Clogged follicles cause hair loss.- Clogged hair follicles lead to ingrown hair, not hair loss. Shampoos and other products designed to open scalp pores do not stop hair loss or promote regrowth of hair.

*Poor nutrition causes hair loss.- Healthy, well-nourished people still lose their hair and taking nutritional supplements will not regrow hair. There are many supplements for hair loss in the market but even if they have ingredients that have shown to be beneficial for hair loss one would have to take 20-30 pills a day to get enough of those ingredients to the hair follicles to make a difference.

*Stress causes hair loss.- Day-to-day stress does not result in hair loss, no matter how much you fight with your mate or how loudly your boss yells at you. Major stress like surgery or cancer could result in hair loss, but this is usually temporary and the hair will likely regrow without treatment once the stress has passed.

"Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is one of the main drivers of hair loss,"Khadavi says. Naturally found in males and females, DHT plays a key role in development of male characteristics for both men and women. Some men or women, however, have a genetic propensity for DHT to "attack" hair follicles, especially those on the top of the head. Over time, DHT causes the follicles to become thinner, shorter and weaker, and eventually stops them from regrowing new hair.

Products that reduce the production of DHT and stimulate hair growth are more effective at fighting hair loss, says Khadavi, who has developed Revivogen, a line of products designed to fight hair loss based on scientific research. Specially formulated scalp therapy, shampoo and conditioner products work in concert to inhibit DHT and promote hair regrowth. These products are all-natural and have been scientifically proven to reduce hair loss and stimulate hair growth in both men and women.



全球知名皮肤学者、脱发研究专家亚历克斯-哈达威(Alex Khadavi)博士说:“从20年以前直到最近,还没有找到阻止这种遗传性脱发的药物。不过今天,我们可能找到一种对付脱发的有效的而又自然的方法,但是只有最初在或对或错的信息中步履维艰才能最终找到这种有效的治疗方法。”







“通过减少二氢睾酮的生成和刺激头发生长的产品对治疗脱发是更有效果的。” Revivogen的发明者哈达威说。 Revivogen是基于科学研究的对抗脱发产品。特殊的头皮治疗,以及香波和其他相关调节产品共同作用抑制二氢睾酮的生成和促进头发的再生。这个产品都是百分百全天然的,并被证明对男女脱发患者都能达到减少脱发和促进头发再生的作用。


关键词: 脱发 真相
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