
ABI 光学96孔反应板

品牌: ABI
产品型号: 4346906
产品规格: 96 well
货期: 现货
起订: 1 箱
供货总量: 88 箱
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起2天内发货
所在地: 北京
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2019-03-29 13:37
浏览次数: 114

seline; line-height: 23.1px; letter-spacing: 0.5px;">描述

seline; line-height: 22px;">The Applied Biosystems? MicroAmp? Fast Optical 96-Well Reaction Plate with Barcode is an integral component of the Applied Biosystems? Fast PCR System, which reduces PCR reaction time from 2 hours to as little as 25 minutes.

seline; line-height: 22px;">? Maximum thermal conductivity for precise thermal cycling
seline; line-height: 22px;">? Reproducible, specific, and sensitive PCR results in just 25 minutes
seline; line-height: 22px;">? Validated with other system components for consistent results
seline; line-height: 22px;">? Each reaction plate includes a unique serialized, eight character number label (barcode) that is user-readable and machine-readable to prevent tracking errors

Increased thermal contact for faster, more uniform heating
seline; line-height: 22px;">The advanced design of the MicroAmp? Fast 96-Well Reaction Plate dramatically increases its thermal contact with the Applied Biosystems? Veriti? 96-Well Fast Thermal Cycler. The plate also has a consistent well-to-well thickness so all of the samples cycle through the PCR process uniformly. These features reduce experimental artifacts and help ensure fast, accurate results.

Amplify in as little as 25 minutes
seline; line-height: 22px;">Go fast with the Applied Biosystems? Fast System, comprising pre-mixed Fast PCR master mixes, specially designed 0.1 mL microplates and tubes, and the Veriti? 96-Well Fast Thermal Cycler. Now, you can amplify fragments under 500 bp from genomic backgrounds in about 25 minutes and, in some cases, as little as 10 minutes. And you can amplify large fragments faster too—up to 2 kb in as little as 40–50 minutes. Or for sequencing applications, the AmpliTaq Gold? Fast PCR Master Mix, UP, reduces your cycling time to 50 minutes and produces amplicons optimal for high-quality sequencing results.

seline; line-height: 23.1px; letter-spacing: 0.5px;">规格

货号:4346906 包装:20 plates

货号:4346932 包装:200 plates


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