

产品型号: 40GP
产品规格: 40GP
1500: 40GP
起订: 1 1
供货总量: 1 1
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2019-01-05 09:55
浏览次数: 677
         Expanded Food import Customs Declaration Company


  一、进口路线进口后需要办理事项以及开支 1、预报检审核文件资料,做标签审核 (标签若不符合规范,会导致多次往返整改标签) 2、货到口岸报检验检疫 (包装标签若与样张不符,会导致审核过的标签重新整改) 3、货物抽样检验、核对货物包装标签 (送检结果不达标,导致货物退港) 4、货物辖区内仓储 (在未得检验检疫卫生证书前,货必须存放商检辖区范围内仓库不得销售与使用) 5、加贴中文标签,CIQ检验标签 (小盒小袋包装食品需在进口前审核标签,将标签印制包装袋上) 6、商检复查标签 (贴中文标签后.接送商检符合标签加贴规范.若标签不按标签样张加贴.会导致重贴) 7、办理卫生证书 (卫生证书需要支付工本费) 8、标签备案 (进口需办理标签备案,以后同产品无需备案,减少口岸1.5.6项工作)D:进口中容易发生的事故及应对 1、标签样张不符合商检标准要求 (整改)、

  1. import routes need to be processed and expenditures 1. Prediction and inspection documents, label verification (if labels do not conform to the specifications, it will lead to multiple round trip label rectification). 2. Inspection and quarantine report to port of arrival (if the labels do not conform to the sample, it will lead to the re-rectification of the labels audited). 3. Sampling inspection of goods and checking of the labels of goods packaging (to be submitted for inspection and verification). If the goods fail to meet the standard, the goods will be returned to the port. 4. Storage in the area under the jurisdiction of the goods (before the inspection and quarantine hygiene certificate is not obtained, the goods must be stored in the warehouse within the area under the jurisdiction of the commodity inspection. 5. Chinese labels should be added. CIQ labels (small boxes and small bags of packaged food need to be checked before import and printed on the packaging bags) 6. Commodity inspection duplicate labels (after labeling in Chinese). If the label is not posted according to the label sample, it will lead to re-pasting. 7. Handling health certificate (health certificate needs to pay cost) 8. Label filing (first import needs label filing, later same products need not be filed, reducing the work of port 1.5.6). D: Easily occurring accidents in import and dealing with 1. Label sample does not meet the requirements of commodity inspection standards. Request (rectification)

  2、检验结果不达标 (办理退港审批手续、删单退税,或者国内销毁) 3、标签加贴不符合样张样式 (整改重贴) 4、报关外转核价 (提供价格资料或估价) 5、货物未取得卫生证书销售 (将被商检罚款,严重者吊销经营资格)

  物流配送 商务代理 一般贸易代理中检备案代理 专业进口清关 红酒食品进口香港仓储驳船 新旧机电进口 原木木材进口 化工原料进口 仪器仪表进口 电子元件进口 深圳|广州|东莞|厦门|成都|上海|宁波|苏州|天津|青岛/北京/山东/河北省/廊坊/石家庄/

  International Logistics and Distribution International Business Agent General Trade Agent Filing Agent Professional import Clearance Red Wine Food import Hong Kong Storage Barge New and Old Machinery and Electrical import Log import Chemical Raw Materials import Instruments import Electronic Components Shenzhen | Guangzhou | Dongguan | Xiamen | Chengdu | Shanghai | Ningbo Suzhou | Tianjin | Qingdao/Beijing/Shandong/Hebei Province/Langfang/Shijiazhuang/


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