SAI Global 华赛天成管理技术(北京)有限公司
近百年以来,SAI Global 一直秉承公正性、合理性的专业精神在全球开展标准管理、审核、认证、培训等业务,不断获取客户的高度信赖、以及各大机构的权威认可。2006年SAI Global进驻中国,与中国质量认证中心(CQC)成立合资公司,总部设于北京,并在上海建立分支机构,销售团队和审核资源覆盖了国内几乎所有省份。
SAI Global 理解企业在不同阶段与利益相关者建立信任和培养信心所存在的挑战。基于全面风险管理和持续改进理念,SAI Global 帮您满足客户和利益相关者在质量、安全及可持续性等方面的需求!
SAI Global 在全球130个国家为60,000名客户提供专业服务!平均每年要开展125,000多次审核,超过100,000 人参加我们的认证培训!
At SAI Global we understand the challenges of building stakeholder trust and confidence for companies at all stages of maturity. We work with organizations to help them meet stakeholder expectations for quality, safety, sustainability, integrity and desirability in any market and industry worldwide. We do this by embedding a critical risk-based thinking and a continual improvement ethos.
Services include:
?Audit and Inspection – An accredit certifying body with respected and independent expert auditors
?Learning and training – Career change, career advancement or a deeper expert in your area, SAI Global can support
?Product Certification – Provide evidence of conforming product through accredited certification
SAI Global operates in over 130 countries, delivering more than 125,000 audits annually. More than 100,000 people participate in our Assurance training courses each year.