銆€銆€缁忚繃璇勪及锛屼笓瀹跺皬缁勮涓轰娇鐢ㄧ矘鐫€鍓戣弻CGMCC 19596鐢熶骇鐨勭淮鐢熺礌B12瀵规墍鏈夊姩鐗╃墿绉嶃€佹秷璐硅€呭拰鐜鏄畨鍏ㄧ殑銆傚綋閫氳繃楗叉枡鏂界敤鏃讹紝琚瘎浼扮殑娣诲姞鍓傚湪婊¤冻鍔ㄧ墿鐨勮惀鍏婚渶姹傛柟闈㈡槸鏈夋晥鐨勩€傞儴鍒嗗師鏂囨姤閬撳涓嬶細
銆€銆€The vitamin B12 (in the form of cyanocobalamin) under assessment is produced by fermentation with Ensifer adhaerens CGMCC 19596 and it is intended to be used as a nutritional additive for all animal species. Following a request from the European Commission, EFSA was asked to deliver a scientific opinion on the safety and efficacy of cyanocobalamin, produced by fermentation with E. adhaerens CGMCC 19596. Cyanocobalamin produced by other strains of E. adhaerens is already authorised for use in animal species. 鈻犫枲鈻犫枲鈻� However no viable cells nor DNA of the production strain were detected in the additive. Therefore, cyanocobalamin produced by E. adhaerens CGMCC 19596 does not raise safety concerns as regards to the production strain. The FEEDAP Panel concluded that cyanocobalamin produced by fermentation with E. adhaerens CGMCC 19596 is considered safe for all animal species. The use of cyanocobalamin in animal nutrition is of no concern for consumer safety. Cyanocobalamin is non-irritant to skin and non-irritant to eyes. No conclusions could be drawn on the potential of the additive to be a skin sensitiser. The potential endotoxin activity of the additive is unlikely to represent a hazard for users. The use of the additive under assessment in animal nutrition is considered safe for the environment. Cyanocobalamin produced by E. adhaerens CGMCC 19596 is effective in meeting animal's nutritional requirements when administered via feed.