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鏀惧ぇ瀛椾綋  缂╁皬瀛椾綋 鏃堕棿锛�2022-01-10 09:31 鏉ユ簮锛氫腑鍥借尪鍙舵祦閫氬崗浼氬井淇″彿 鍘熸枃:
鏍稿績鎻愮ず锛�2020骞达紝鍦ㄤ笌鏂板啝鑲虹値鐤儏浣滄枟浜夌殑鍚屾椂锛屼竴浜涜尪鍙朵富浜у浗涔熶笉寰椾笉闈复鍏跺畠鎸戞垬锛屽涓浗鐨勮埅杩愮墿娴佸拰鎴愭湰鎺у埗闂锛岃偗灏间簹鐨勮尪涓氱洃绠¢棶棰橈紝鍗板害寮洪檷闆ㄥぉ姘斿拰鏂噷鍏板崱鑼跺洯宸ヤ汉鐨勫伐璧勯棶棰樸€� 鐒惰€岋紝鍊煎緱搴嗗垢鐨勬槸锛屾墍鏈変骇鑼跺浗鐨勮尪浜т笟浣滀负鍩虹鏈嶅姟涓氳繕鍦ㄦ寔缁彂鎸ヤ綔鐢紝杩欎究纭繚浜嗗叏鐞冭尪涓氶伃鍙楃殑鎹熷け姣斿ぇ澶氭暟鍏跺畠琛屼笟瑕佸皬銆�
銆€銆€鎵х瑪浜猴細Manuja Peiris  鍥介檯鑼跺彾濮斿憳浼氭墽琛屼富甯�

銆€銆€2020骞达紝鍦ㄤ笌鏂板啝鑲虹値鐤儏浣滄枟浜夌殑鍚屾椂锛屼竴浜涜尪鍙朵富浜у浗涔熶笉寰椾笉闈复鍏跺畠鎸戞垬锛屽涓浗鐨勮埅杩愮墿娴佸拰鎴愭湰鎺у埗闂锛岃偗灏间簹鐨勮尪涓�鐩戠闂锛屽嵃搴﹀己闄嶉洦澶╂皵鍜屾柉閲屽叞鍗¤尪鍥伐浜虹殑宸ヨ祫闂銆� 鐒惰€岋紝鍊煎緱搴嗗垢鐨勬槸锛屾墍鏈変骇鑼跺浗鐨勮尪浜т笟浣滀负鍩虹鏈嶅姟涓氳繕鍦ㄦ寔缁彂鎸ヤ綔鐢紝杩欎究纭繚浜嗗叏鐞冭尪涓氶伃鍙楃殑鎹熷け姣斿ぇ澶氭暟鍏跺畠琛屼笟瑕佸皬銆�
銆€銆€Whilst battling with the challenges brought upon by the Covid-19 pandemic, several major tea producing countries also had to encounter battles with various non-COVID- 19 related issues through 2020, such as shipping logistics and costs related challenges in China, regulatory matters in Kenya, heavier rainfall experienced in India and plantation worker wage issues in Sri Lanka. However, all tea producing countries commendably continued to function as essential services, which in turn made sure that the global tea industry suffered less than most other industries.
銆€銆€Boosted by increased production in China and Kenya that resulted in historical highs in these two producing countries, global production in 2020 grew by 1.8%. Annual production of tea in China and Kenya grew by 6.7% and 25%, respectively. Generally, most producers benefitted from a much-needed price correction that was long overdue to keep  their  respective industries viable in the face of
銆€銆€increased input costs.
銆€銆€However, it is believed that this increased production has resulted in a significant quantity of tea remaining in stock with producers in China at end of the year. In India too,  a large quantity of tea is known to be held asstock in the pipeline by wholesalers as well as blenders. Exporters in Kenya who had purchased more teas at the auctions to benefit from lower prices that prevailed during the year are also known to have carried over stocks at end of the year.
銆€銆€蹇呴』鎸囧嚭鐨勬槸锛屽湪2019骞村凡缁忔垚涓轰笘鐣岀涓夊ぇ绾㈣尪浜у湴鐨勪腑鍥斤紝2020骞寸孩鑼朵骇閲忓闀挎儕浜猴紝澧炶嚦404,265 鍏惃锛屽勾澧為暱鐜�32%銆傚敖绠′腑鍥藉拰鑲凹浜氫骇閲忓鍔狅紝鍏ㄧ悆骞村嚭鍙i噺涓嬮檷4%锛�8000涓囧叕鏂わ級銆備腑鍥姐€佸嵃搴︺€佹柉閲屽叞鍗°€侀樋鏍瑰环骞村嚭鍙i噺鍧囨湁涓嬮檷銆�
銆€銆€It must be noted that having become world's third largest Black Tea producing country in 2019, Black Tea production in 2020 in China grew to a staggering 404,265 mt., recording a staggering annual growth of 32%. Despite the large production increases in China and Kenya, global annual exports declined by 4% 锛�80 million kgs.锛夈€� Lower exports made during the year by China, India, Sri Lanka and Argentina, contributed to this decline.
銆€銆€闅忕潃鑼跺彾鐢熶骇鍥藉嚭鍙i噺鐨勫噺灏戯紝鍏ㄧ悆鑼跺彾杩涘彛閲忎篃涓嬮檷浜� 4%锛�7700涓囧叕鏂わ級锛岃瑙佷笅鍥俱€�
銆€銆€In accordance with this reduction in exports from producer countries, global imports
銆€銆€锛圙raph below锛� also recorded a 4% 锛�77 million kgs.锛� decline during the year.
銆€銆€鍦ㄨ繖绉嶆儏鍐典笅锛屽反鍩烘柉鍧﹀叏骞磋尪鍙惰繘鍙i噺澶у箙澧為暱 22%锛�4600涓囧叕鏂わ級銆� 杩戝勾鏉ワ紝宸村熀鏂潶瑗垮寳杈瑰鍖哄煙鐨勯潪瀹樻柟璐告槗涓嶅お椤哄埄锛屽鑷撮€氳繃閫忔槑鐨勫畼鏂规笭閬撹繘鍙g殑鑼跺彾閲忔洿澶氥€傚反鍩烘柉鍧﹁繘鍙i噺杈惧埌2.52浜垮叕鏂ゃ€傜浉姣旇繃鍘诲崄骞撮棿澧為暱100%銆�
銆€銆€With this reality, the huge annual increase by 22% 锛�46 m kgs.锛� of imports by Pakistan is significant. A less conducive trading environment experienced by unofficial traders in the North West Frontier province in recent years has led to the importation of more goods into the country through transparent, official channels. imports into Pakistan reached 252 million kgs. during the year, recording a stupendous growth of 100% within the last ten years.
銆€銆€鑻卞浗鑼跺彾甯傚満缁忚繃鍑犲勾鐨勪笅婊戜箣鍚庯紝鍏惰尪鍙惰繘鍙i噺澧為暱6%锛屽噣澧為暱9%锛岃繖寰楃泭浜�2020骞村眳瀹堕ギ鑼剁殑娑堣垂澧炲銆傚湪鏈€杩� 50 骞寸殑鏃堕棿閲岋紝鑻卞浗鐨勮尪鍙惰繘鍙i噺涓€鐩村湪涓嬮檷锛岄殢鐫€琚嬫场鑼躲€佹贩鍚堣尪琚洿骞挎硾鍦版帴鍙楋紝鏉ヨ嚜鑼跺彾鍘熶骇鍥界殑鑼跺彾鍜屽叾瀹冨绉嶉ギ鏂欐湁浜嗘洿澶氱殑绔炰簤瀵规墜銆傛湰鏉ヤ汉浠琚嬫场鑼舵湁90%鐨勫枩鐖卞害锛屼絾杩欎技涔庣暐鏈変笅闄嶏紝鍥犱负浜轰滑瀵规暎鑼堕噸鏂颁骇鐢熶簡鍏磋叮锛岃€屼笖浠嶆湁灏忛儴鍒嗕汉缇ゅ枩娆㈡湁鏈恒€佹灉鑼躲€侀鏂欍€佽姳鑽夊拰缁胯壊椋熷搧銆傝繎骞存潵锛岃嫳鍥介櫎浜嗕粠鑲凹浜氳繘鍙h尪鍙讹紝浠庡叾瀹冭尪鍙跺師浜у浗杩涘彛浣庝环鑼跺彾鐨勬暟閲忓澶氾紝鍖呮嫭鍗板害灏艰タ浜氥€佽秺鍗楀拰鍗楀嵃搴︺€傚洜涓鸿偗灏间簹鐨勮尪鍙朵竴鐩翠緵杩囦簬姹傦紝鑰屼笖鍏ㄧ悆鍒板閮芥槸浠锋牸浣庝簬2缇庡厓/鍏枻鐨勮尪鍙讹紝鑼跺彾鍖呰鍟嗗拰瓒呭競闆跺敭鍟嗕笉鎰佽揣婧愩€�
銆€銆€After several years of decline or stagnancy of the market, United Kingdom imports grew by 6% with net-imports reflecting an increase of 9% as a direct result of higher in-home consumption during 2020. import volumes into UK have kept declining over a 50-year period, following the wider acceptance of tea bags, multi-origin blends, dilution of country of origin and a wider choice of beverages competing for a share of the throat been some of the factors. Having touched a percentage share as high as above 90% of tea bag penetration, this seems to have declined marginally more recently with a revived interest in loose teas that still remains very much a niche segment along-with organic, fruit and flavours, herbal and Green. In recent times, UK imports from other origins have been increasing in a clear sign of some packers opting to source relatively cheaper tea from Indonesia, Vietnam and South India, adjusting their intake from Kenya. With the continuing over-supply situation in Kenya and with plenty of teas available around the globe at sub-US$2 prices, both packers and supermarkets are spoilt for choice.
銆€銆€Tea imports into The Russian Federation remained steady where reports indicate that consumption of coffee overtook consumption of tea last year to represent a share of over 50% of hot drink beverages. Per capita consumption of Tea is 1.1 kgs whereas per capita consumption of coffee is approximately 1.4 kgs. Tea is mostly imported into the Federation in bulk form as import tariffs are in place to favour local packers. imports into USA and Egypt declined during the year but both countries were responsible for large intakes.
銆€銆€涓庢柊鍐犺偤鐐庣柅鎯呯洿鎺ョ浉鍏崇殑鏄紝鎽╂礇鍝ヨ繖涓叏鐞冩渶澶х殑缁胯尪杩涘彛鍥斤紝鍏惰繘鍙i噺涓嬮檷杩�25%銆傚嚑涔庢墍鏈夎繘鍙e埌鎽╂礇鍝ョ殑鑼跺彾閮芥槸浠庝腑鍥芥潵鐨勶紝寰堥毦鍦ㄧ煭鏃堕棿鍐呭鎵惧埌鍏跺畠璐ф簮锛岃繖鍙兘浼氬奖鍝嶄緵搴旈摼銆傚洜涓�3鍏枻浠ヤ笅鍖呰鐨勮尪鍙惰繘鍙e叧绋庨珮杈�32.5%锛屽嚑骞村墠锛屼竴浜涗腑鍥戒紒涓氬湪鎽╂礇鍝ュ紑璁捐尪鍙跺寘瑁呭伐鍘傘€傜洰鍓嶏紝90%浠ヤ笂鐨勮繘鍙h尪鍙舵槸鏁h褰㈠紡锛岄噰鐢�20-30鍏枻鐨勭焊鏉跨鍖呰銆傛渶鍙楁杩庣殑鑼跺彾娑堣垂鍖呰灏哄鏄� 200g锛�100g鍜�500g涔熸湁渚涘簲銆�
銆€銆€Directly related to pandemic related challenges, imports into Morocco, the largest Green Tea importing country in the world declined by nearly 25%. With almost all tea imports into Morocco sourced from China, difficulties in seeking alternate sources at short notice is likely to have impacted the supply chain. Following the increase of import duty for tea up to 32.5% for tea in packages below 3 kg. a few years ago, a few Chinese companies have opened tea packing factories in Morocco. Currently, more than 90% of total imports are in bulk form and generally, imported tea is packed in cardboard boxes of 20-30 kgs. each. The most popular consumer pack size is 200 g. whilst 100 g and 500g. packs are also available.
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