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放大字体  缩小字体 时间:2021-06-21 11:37 来源:华中农业大学 原文:
  近日,华中农业大学水产学院鱼类逆境发育遗传学团队通过研究,发现了Cu2+通过表观调控影响斑马鱼肌原纤维分化机制。相关研究论文以 “Copper ions impair zebrafish skeletal myofibrillogenesis via epigenetic regulation”为题,在线发表于《The FASEB Journal》。
  近年来,本团队围绕铜稳态代谢失衡下的鱼类胚胎发育学,解析了环境铜过载或铜转运基因突变等引起的鱼类胚胎细胞中的铜稳态代谢失衡进而导致的神经系统、造血系统等发育缺陷,研究成果已相继发表于BBA-GRM,Cell Communication Signaling,Frontiers in Immunology等杂志。
  Unbalanced copper (Cu2+) homeostasis is associated with the developmental defects of vertebrate myogenesis, but the underlying molecular mechanisms remain elusive. In this study, it was found that Cu2+ stressed zebrafish embryos and larvae showed reduced locomotor speed as well as loose and decreased myofibrils in skeletal muscle, coupled with the downregulated expression of muscle fiber markers mylpfa and smyhc1l and the irregular arrangement of myofibril and sarcomere. Meanwhile, the Cu2+ stressed zebrafish embryos and larvae also showed significant reduction in the expression of H3K4 methyltransferase smyd1b transcripts and H3K4me3 protein as well as in the binding enrichment of H3K4me3 on gene mylpfa promoter in skeletal muscle cells, suggesting that smyd1b—H3K4me3 axis mediates the Cu2+-induced myofibrils specification defects. Additionally, whole genome DNA methylation sequencing unveiled that the gene smyd5 exhibited significant promoter hyper-methylation and increased expression in Cu2+ stressed embryos, and the ectopic expression of smyd5 in zebrafish embryos also induced the myofibrils specification defects as those observed in Cu2+ stressed embryos. Moreover, Cu2+ was shown to suppress myofibrils specification and smyd1b promoter transcriptional activity directly independent of the integral function of copper transporter cox17 and atp7b. All these data may shed light on the linkage of unbalanced copper homeostasis with specific gene promoter methylation and epigenetic histone protein modification as well as the resultant signaling transduction and the myofibrillogenesis defects.
 行业: 渔业水产
 标签: 鱼类 水产
 科普: 鱼类 水产
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