食品伙伴网讯 据外媒报道,近日新西兰乳业巨头恒天然(Fonterra)宣布,其2015/16牛奶收购价从原来的每公斤乳固体4.15元降至13年来的最低值3.90元。
恒天然主席John Wilson表示,国际乳品市场萧条的大背景下,奶业预期面临压力。
Fonterra Co-operative Group reduced its forecast farmgate milk price for the 2015/16 season from $4.15 per kgMS to $3.90 per kgMS.
Fonterra is forecasting its New Zealand milk production to be at least 4 percent lower than last season as New Zealand farmers respond to the ongoing low prices by reducing herd size and feeding significantly less supplementary feed which is expected to have an impact on this Autumn's production. Chairman John Wilson said difficult conditions in the globally traded dairy market have put further pressure on the forecast.