椋熷搧浼欎即缃戣 鎹編鍥介鍝佸畨鍏ㄦ柊闂荤綉娑堟伅锛岃嚜3鏈堜唤浠ユ潵锛岀編鍥界鏂壒鍐滃満鐢熶骇鐨�楦¤倝宸插鑷磋嚦灏�278浜烘劅鏌�娌欓棬姘忚弻锛岀劧鑰岃鍐滃満绉帮紝鐩墠宸茬粡閲囧彇鎺柦瑙e喅闂锛屽皢涓嶄細鍙洖楦¤倝浜у搧銆傜劧鑰屽敖绠″姝わ紝缇庡浗鍏嬬綏鏍艰秴甯傚闂楦¤倝鍋氫簡涓嬫灦澶勭悊銆�
In light of the revelation that at least 278 people in 18 states have fallen ill with Salmonella from Foster Farms chicken since March, the poultry grower has said it has remedied the situation and will not recall any products.
But that has not stopped the Kroger Co. from removing the implicated Foster Farms chicken from its family of stores, which includes Fred Meyer, Fry's, King Soopers, Ralphs, Food 4 Less, Smith's and QFC. Foster Farms products are not sold in Kroger, Dillons and Jay C stores.