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放大字体  缩小字体 时间:2009-06-23 15:26 来源:加拿大食品检疫局 
核心提示:食品伙伴网导读:2009年6月22日,加拿大一公司警告消费这不要食用沙拉蔬菜产品(Kildara Farms Organic Gourmet Salad Greens ),原因是该产品可能被沙门氏菌污染。 原文报道: OTTAWA, June 22, 2009 The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and Kildara Farms

    食品伙伴网导读:2009年6月22日,加拿大一公司警告消费这不要食用沙拉蔬菜产品(Kildara Farms Organic Gourmet Salad Greens ),原因是该产品可能被沙门氏菌污染。


OTTAWA, June 22, 2009 – The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and Kildara Farms are warning the public not to consume Kildara Farms Organic Gourmet Salad Greens described below because they may be contaminated with Salmonella.

The affected product, Kildara Farms Organic Gourmet Salad Greens is sold in 113 plastic containers bearing Best Before 25 and 8 10770 00001 4. 8 10770 00001 4. 25 and 8 10770 00001 4. plastic containers bearing Best Before 25 and 8 10770 00001 4.

This product has been distributed in British Columbia.

There have been no reported illnesses associated with the consumption of this product.

Food contaminated with Salmonella may not look or smell spoiled. Consumption of food contaminated with this bacteria may cause salmonellosis, a foodborne illness. In young children, the elderly and people with weakened immune systems, salmonellosis may cause serious and sometimes deadly infections. In otherwise healthy people, salmonellosis may cause short-term symptoms such as high fever, severe headache, vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain and diarrhea. Long-term complications may include severe arthritis.

The manufacturer, Kildara Farms, Sidney, is voluntarily recalling the affected product from the marketplace. The CFIA is monitoring the effectiveness of the recall. is voluntarily recalling the affected product from the marketplace. The is monitoring the effectiveness of the recall.

For more information, consumers and industry can call one of the following numbers:

Kildara Farms at 250-655-3093 ; or

CFIA at 1-800-442-2342 / 1-800-465-7735 (8:00 to 8:00 Eastern time, Monday to Friday). Eastern time, Monday to Friday). to 8:00 Eastern time, Monday to Friday). 1-800-465-7735 (8:00 to 8:00 Eastern time, Monday to Friday).

For information on Salmonella, visit the Food Facts web page at: http://www.inspection.gc.ca/english/fssa/concen/cause/salmonellae.shtml

For information on receiving recalls by e-mail, or for other food safety facts, visit our web site at www.inspection.gc.ca.


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