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放大字体  缩小字体 时间:2024-05-28 14:01 来源:华中农业大学 原文:
  近日,华中农业大学植物营养生物学团队在油菜硼营养的运输机制中取得进展,相关工作分别以题为“BnaC4.BOR2 mediates boron uptake and translocation in Brassica napus under boron deficiency”和“BnaA4.BOR2 contributes the tolerance of rapeseed to boron deficiency by improving the transport of boron from root to shoot”在Plant, Cell and Environment和Plant Physiology and Biochemistry杂志发表。
  我校博士研究生刘威为论文第一作者,汪社亮副教授和徐芳森教授分别为Plant, Cell and Environment和Plant Physiology and Biochemistry论文通讯作者。我校的叶祥盛研究员、蔡红梅副教授、石磊教授也参与了该项研究。该研究得到了国家自然科学基金和国家重点研发计划项目的资助。
  Boron (B) is an essential microelement in plant growth and development. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying B uptake and translocation in Brassica napus are poorly understood. Herein, we identified a low-B-inducible gene, namely BnaC4.BOR2, with high transcriptional activity in root tips, stele cells, leaves, and floral organs. The GFP labeled BnaC4.BOR2 protein was localized to the plasma membrane to demonstrate the B efflux activity in yeast and Arabidopsis. BnaC4.BOR2 knockout considerably reduced B concentration in the root and xylem sap, and altered B distribution in different organs at low B supply, exacerbating B sensitivity at the vegetative and reproductive stages. Additionally, the grafting experiment showed that BnaC4.BOR2 expression in the roots contributed more to B deficiency adaptability than that in the shoots. The pot experiments with low-B-soil revealed B concentration in leaves and siliques of BnaC4.BOR2 mutants were markedly reduced, showing an obvious B-deficient phenotype of “flowering without seed setting” and a considerable reduction in seed yield in B-deficient soil. Altogether, the findings of this study highlight the crucial role of BnaC4.BOR2 in B uptake and translocation during B. napus growth and seed yield under low-B conditions.
  Boron (B) is essential for plant growth. However, the molecular mechanism of B transport in rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) is unknown well. Here, we report that B transporter BnaA4.BOR2 is involved in the transport of B from root to shoot and its distribution in shoot cell wall and flower in rapeseed. The results of GUS staining and in-situ PCR analysis showed that BnaA4.BOR2 is mainly expressed in cortex and endodermis of root tip meristem zone and endodermis of mature zone. BnaA4.BOR2 was mainly localized in plasma membrane and showed B transport activity in yeast. Overexpression of Bna4.BOR2 could rescue the phenotype of Arabidopsis mutant bor2-2 under low-B condition. Furthermore, knockout of BnaA4.BOR2 could significantly enhance the sensitivity of rapeseed mutants to B deficiency, including inhibition of root elongation and biomass decrease of roots and shoots. The B concentration in xylem sap of BnaA4.BOR2 mutants was significantly decreased under B deficiency, which resulted in significantly lower B concentrations in shoot cell wall at seedling stage and flower organ at reproductive stage compared to that of wild-type QY10. The growth of BnaA4.BOR2 mutants were severely inhibited, exhibiting a typical B-deficient phenotype of “flowering without seed setting”, leading to a sharp decrease in seed yield in B deficient soil. Taken together, these results indicate that BnaA4.BOR2 is critical for rapeseed growth and seed yield production under low B level, which is mainly expressed in cortex and endodermis, and contributed to the transport of B from roots to shoots and its distribution in shoot.
 行业: 果蔬 餐饮
 标签: 甘蓝 油菜 养生
 科普: 甘蓝 油菜 养生
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