褰撳墠浣嶇疆: 棣栭〉 » 椋熷搧璧勮 » 澶栬瀵艰 » 娆х洘鍙戝竷鍏充簬鑵堣弻鍞戠殑鏈€澶ф畫鐣欓檺閲忓鏌ュ悗纭鏁版嵁鐨勮瘎浼�


鏀惧ぇ瀛椾綋  缂╁皬瀛椾綋 鏃堕棿锛�2024-04-15 10:13 鏉ユ簮锛氶鍝佷紮浼寸綉 浣滆€咃細 娉藉   
 銆€銆€椋熷搧浼欎即缃戣  2024骞�4鏈�12鏃ワ紝娆х洘椋熷搧瀹夊叏灞€锛�EFSA锛夊彂甯冨叧浜�鑻规灉銆�钁¤悇銆�鑽夎帗銆�鐣寗鍜�鐢滅摐涓厛鑿屽攽锛坢yclobutanil锛夌殑鏈€澶ф畫鐣欓檺閲�瀹℃煡鍚庣‘璁ゆ暟鎹殑璇勪及銆�
銆€銆€The applicant Corteva Agriscience submitted a request to the competent national authority in Austria to evaluate the confirmatory data that were identified for myclobutanil in the framework of the MRL review under Article 12 of Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 as not available. To address the data gap related to the lack of information on the triazole derivative metabolites (TDMs), new residue trials analysing for TDMs were submitted on apples, grapes, strawberries, tomatoes and melons. Following the assessment of the submitted data, EFSA concluded that Article 12 confirmatory data gaps are considered addressed for pome fruits, grapes, cucurbits with inedible peel, strawberries and tomatoes. The new information provided required the assessment of consumer exposure to TDMs, which identified no consumer intake concerns for the crops under consideration. No information was provided to address the Article 12 confirmatory data referred to in Regulation (EU) 2020/770 for blackberries, gooseberries, bananas, aubergines/eggplants, lamb's lettuces/corn salads, beans (with pods), globe artichokes, hops, sugar beet roots and products of animal origin. For these commodities, the existing EU MRL could be lowered to the enforcement limit of quantification (LOQ). For kaki/Japanese persimmon and azararoles/mediterranean medlars, the existing EU MRL is set on the basis of Codex MRL in pome fruits. The applicant did not request maintaining a Codex MRL in these commodities, but should risk managers decide otherwise, the Article 12 data gap is considered addressed for kaki/Japanese persimmon while for azaroles/Mediterranean medlars, a risk management decision might be required. No consumer intake concerns were identified.
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