銆€銆€杩戞棩锛屽崕涓啘涓氬ぇ瀛﹀洯鑹烘灄瀛﹀闄�/鏋滆敩鍥壓浣滅墿绉嶈川鍒涙柊涓庡埄鐢ㄥ叏鍥介噸鐐瑰疄楠屽閭撶鏂伴櫌澹洟闃熷湪Plant Physiology鍦ㄧ嚎鍙戣〃浜嗛涓�“Transcription factor CrWRKY42 coregulates chlorophyll degradation and carotenoid biosynthesis in citrus”鐨勭爺绌惰鏂囥€傝鐮旂┒瑙f瀽浜嗚浆褰曞洜瀛怌rWRKY42閫氳繃鍗忓悓璋冩帶鍙剁豢绱�闄嶈В鍜岀被鑳¤悵鍗滅礌鐢熺墿鍚堟垚閫斿緞淇冭繘鏌戞鏋滃疄鐫€鑹茬殑鍒嗗瓙鏈哄埗锛岃鐮旂┒缁撴灉涓烘煈姗樻灉瀹炶壊娉藉搧璐ㄩ仐浼犳敼鑹彁渚涗簡鐞嗚渚濇嵁鍜岄噸瑕�鍩哄洜璧勬簮銆�
銆€銆€鏈爺绌朵互“涓嶇煡鐏�”鍙婂叾榛勮壊鏋滃疄绐佸彉浣�“閲戜箰鏌�”涓烘潗鏂欐寲鎺樺埌涓€涓猈RKY瀹舵棌杞綍鍥犲瓙CrWRKY42鍙備笌鏌戞鏋滃疄杞壊杩涚▼銆傚湪鏌戞鎰堜激缁勭粐涓秴閲忚〃杈綜rWRKY42锛屽叓姘㈢暘鑼勭孩绱犺劚姘㈤叾锛圕rPDS锛夈€佺暘鑼勭孩绱�β-鐜寲閰讹紙CrLCYB2锛変互鍙�β-鑳¤悵鍗滅礌缇熷寲閰讹紙CrBCH1锛夌瓑澶氫釜绫昏儭钀濆崪绱犵敓鐗╁悎鎴愬熀鍥犲彈鍒拌瀵兼樉钁椾笂璋冭〃杈撅紝绫昏儭钀濆崪绱犲惈閲忔樉钁楀鍔犮€傚湪鏌戞鎰堜激缁勭粐涓共娑塁rWRKY42锛屾€荤被鑳¤悵鍗滅礌鍚噺鏄捐憲闄嶄綆锛屽涓被鑳¤悵鍗滅礌鍚堟垚鐩稿叧鍩哄洜鐨勮〃杈炬按骞冲彈鍒版姂鍒躲€傛澶栵紝鍦ㄦ煈姗樻灉瀹炰腑鐬椂瓒呴噺琛ㄨ揪鍜屽共娑塁rWRKY42鍩哄洜锛屽彂鐜癈rWRKY42鑳藉鍚屾椂婵€娲诲彾缁跨礌闄嶈В鍜岀被鑳¤悵鍗滅礌鐢熺墿鍚堟垚鍏抽敭鍩哄洜鐨勮〃杈撅紝鍗忓悓璋冩帶涓ゆ潯浠h阿閫斿緞锛岃繘鑰屼績杩涙煈姗樻灉瀹炶浆鑹层€傜敓鍖栧疄楠岀粨鏋滆〃鏄庯紝CrWRKY42鑳藉鐩存帴涓嶤rBCH1鍚姩瀛愪笂鐨刉-box鍏冧欢缁撳悎骞舵縺娲诲叾琛ㄨ揪銆傝繘涓€姝ョ爺绌跺彂鐜癈rWRKY42杩樿兘澶熺洿鎺ョ粨鍚堝苟婵€娲诲涓彾缁跨礌闄嶈В鍜岀被鑳¤悵鍗滅礌鐢熺墿鍚堟垚鍩哄洜鐨勫惎鍔ㄥ瓙锛屽寘鎷琋onYELLOW COLORING锛圕rNYC锛夈€丼TAY-GREEN锛圕rSGR锛夈€丆rPDS鍜孋rLCYB2銆�
銆€銆€Chlorophyll degradation and carotenoid biosynthesis, which occur almost simultaneously during fruit ripening, are essential for the coloration and nutritional value of fruits. However, the synergistic regulation of these two processes at the transcriptional level remains largely unknown. Here, we identified a WRKY transcription factor, CrWRKY42, from the transcriptome data of the yellowish bud mutant 'Jinlegan' [锛圕itrus unshiu×C. sinensis锛�×C. reticulata] tangor 锛圡T锛� and its wild type 'Shiranuhi' tangor 锛圵T锛夛紝 which was involved in the transcriptional regulation of both chlorophyll degradation and carotenoid biosynthesis pathways. CrWRKY42 directly bound to the promoter of β-carotene hydroxylase 1 锛圕rBCH1锛� and activated its expression. Overexpression and interference of CrWRKY42 in citrus calli demonstrated that CrWRKY42 promoted carotenoid accumulation by inducing the expression of multiple carotenoid biosynthetic genes. Further assays confirmed that CrWRKY42 also directly bound to and activated the promoters of the genes involved in carotenoid biosynthesis, including phytoene desaturase 锛圕rPDS锛� and lycopene β-cyclase 2 锛圕rLCYB2锛夈€� In addition, CrWRKY42 could bind to the promoters of NonYELLOW COLORING 锛圕rNYC锛� and STAY-GREEN 锛圕rSGR锛� and activate their expression, thus promoting chlorophyll degradation. Overexpression and silencing of CrWRKY42 in citrus fruits indicated that CrWRKY42 positively regulated chlorophyll degradation and carotenoid biosynthesis by synergistically activating the expression of genes involved in both pathways. Our data revealed that CrWRKY42 acts as a positive regulator of chlorophyll degradation and carotenoid biosynthesis to alter the conversion of citrus fruit color. Our findings provide insight into the complex transcriptional regulation of chlorophyll and carotenoid metabolism during fruit ripening.