
放大字体缩小字体时间?023-05-15 09:58 来源:华中农业大?nbsp; 原文:
核心提示:近日,华中农业大学油菜团队研究成果以“Regulation of seed oil accumulation by lncRNAs in Brassica napus”为题在Biotechnology for Biofuels and Bioproducts发表。研究揭示了lncRNA(long non-coding RNA)可以参与油菜种子油脂合成过程,并探索了lncRNA影响油菜种子油脂积累的潜在机制。该研究结果不仅丰富了油菜油脂代谢的调控机制,还为高油油菜籽遗传改良提供了新线索和理论、/div>
  近日,华中农业大?a href='//www.sqrdapp.com/news/tag_2263.html' class='zdbq' title='油菜相关食品资讯' target='_blank'>油菜团队研究成果?ldquo;Regulation of seed oil accumulation by lncRNAs in Brassica napus为题在Biotechnology for Biofuels and Bioproducts发表。研究揭示了lncRNA(long non-coding RNA)可以参与油菜种孏a href='//www.sqrdapp.com/news/tag_2271.html' class='zdbq' title='油脂相关食品资讯' target='_blank'>油脂合成过程,并探索了lncRNA影响油菜种子油脂积累的潜在机制。该研究结果不仅丰富了油菜油脁a href='//www.sqrdapp.com/news/tag_4543.html' class='zdbq' title='代谢相关食品资讯' target='_blank'>代谢的调控机制,还为高油 油菜籼/a>遗传改良提供了新线索和理论、/div>
  甘蓝型油菜是世界上第三大油料作物,约占全球植物油产量?5%。前人的研究已经很好地阐明了许多转录因子和基因参与了种子油脂生物合成的作用机制,但关于种子油脂合成过程中的调控研究较少。近年来,lncRNAs(long non-coding RNA)被报道可以通过多种作用机制影响植物的生长、发育及抗逆等。尽管lncRNA也被预测可能参与调控油料作物种子发育过程中脂质代谢过程,但一直缺乏lncRNA影响种子油脂代谢的直接证据、/div>
  Studies have indicated that long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs play im portant regulatory roles in many biological processes. However, the regulation of seed oil biosynthesis by lncRNAs remains largely unknown.
  We comprehensively identified and characterized the lncRNAs from seeds in three developing stages in two accessions of Brassica napus (B. napus), ZS11 (high oil content and WH5557 (low oil content) Finally, 8094 expressed lncRNAs were identified. LncRNAs MSTRG.22563 and MSTRG.86004 were predicted to be related to seed oil accumulation. Experimental results show that the seed oil co ntent is decreased by 3.1C3.9% in MSTRG.22563 overex pression plants, while increased a bout 2% in MSTRG.86004, compared to WT. Further study showed that most genes related to lipid me tabolism had much lower ex pression, and the co ntent of some me tabolites in the processes of respiration and TCA (tricarboxylic acid cycle was reduced in MSTRG.22563 transgenic seeds. The ex pression of genes involved in fatty acid synthesis and seed embryo nic development (e.g., LEC1 was increased, but genes related to TAG assembly was decreased in MSTRG.86004 transgenic seeds.
  Our results suggest that MSTRG.22563 might impact seed oil co ntent by affecting the respiration and TCA cycle, while MSTRG.86004 plays a role in prolo nging the seed developmental time to increase seed oil accumulation.
日期9a href="//www.sqrdapp.com/news/2023-05-15.html">2023-05-15
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