油菜团队联合生物信息团队在Genome Biology发表了题?ldquo;Comprehensive trans
nal variability analysis reveals gene networks regulating seed oil co
ntent of Brassica napus的研究论文。该研究全面描述了油菜种子发育过程中转录组变异调控图谱,并结合机器学习与深度学习算法挖掘了油菜种子含油量调控?a href='//www.sqrdapp.com/news/tag_847.html' class='zdbq' title='基因相关食品资讯' target='_blank'>基因,研究结果为多倍体植物的不对称调控提供了借鉴、/div>
该研究对开花后20天(20 DAF)和40天(40 DAF)两个发育阶段的油菜种子的转录变异进行了全面分析并且构建了调控图谱。在20 DAF?0 DAF分别检测到79,605?6,713个表达的基因以及53,759?3,550个独立的eQTL。首次在油菜中将eQTL和染色质可及性相结合,发现当相邻的基因对受到local eQTL的调控且具有相同的染色质开放状态时,能表现出更强的基因表达捎带模式、/div>
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华中农业大学作物遗传改良全国重点实验室博士生谭增栋为该论文第一作者,赵虎博士、郭亮教授和谢为博教授为该论文通讯作者。德国吉森大学Rod Snowdon教授和Agnieszka Golicz博士、华中农业大学刘克德教授、姚璇副教授和鲁少平副研究员等参与了该研究。该研究受到国家杰出青年科学基金、国家自然科学基金青年基金和湖北洪山实验室重大项目资助、/div>
Regulation of gene ex
pression plays an essential role in co
ntrolling the phenotypes of plants. Brassica napus (B. napus is an im
portant source for the vegetable oil in the world, and the seed oil co
ntent is an im
portant trait of B. napus.
We perform a comprehensive analysis of the trans
nal variability in the seeds of B. napus at two developmental stages, 20 and 40 days after flowering (DAF) We detect 53,759 and 53,550 independent ex
pression quantitative trait loci (eQTLs for 79,605 and 76,713 expressed genes at 20 and 40 DAF, respectively. Among them, the local eQTLs are mapped to the adjacent genes more frequently. The adjacent gene pairs are regulated by local eQTLs with the same open chromatin state and show a stro
nger mode of ex
pression piggybacking. Inter-subgenomic analysis indicates that there is a feedback regulation for the homoeologous gene pairs to maintain partial ex
pression dosage. We also identify 141 eQTL hotspots and find that hotspot87-88 co-localizes with a QTL for the seed oil content. To further resolve the regulatory network of this eQTL hotspot, we co
nstruct the XGBoost model using 856 RNA-seq datasets and the ba
senji model using 59 ATAC-seq datasets. Using these two models, we predict the mechanisms affecting the seed oil co
ntent regulated by hotspot87-88 and experimentally validate that the trans
cription factors, NAC13 and SCL31, positively regulate the seed oil content.
We comprehensively characterize the gene regulatory features in the seeds of B. napus and reveal the gene networks regulating the seed oil co
ntent of B. napus.
日期9a href="//www.sqrdapp.com/news/2022-11-09.html">2022-11-09