放大字体缩小字体时间?022-10-08 14:45 来源:食品伙伴网 作者: 泽夕
   食品伙伴网讯2022?0?日, 欧盟食品安全局'a href='//www.sqrdapp.com/news/tag_10.html' class='zdbq' title='EFSA相关食品资讯' target='_blank'>EFSA)发布消息,欧盟食品安全局 转基囟/a>作物专家组( GMO)评估了转基囟a href='//www.sqrdapp.com/news/tag_2263.html' class='zdbq' title='油菜相关食品资讯' target='_blank'>油菜GT73的授权更新申请
  Following the submission of application EFSA-GMO-RX-026/1 under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 from Bayer Agriculture BV on behalf of Bayer CropScience LP, the Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms of EFSA was asked to deliver a scientific risk assessment on the data submitted in the co ntext of the renewal of authorisation application for foods and food ingredients containing, co nsisting of, or produced from oilseed rape GT73 with the exception of isolated seed protein, and feed produced from this GM oilseed rape, excluding cultivation in the EU. The data received in the co ntext of this renewal application co ntained post-market enviro nmental mo nitoring reports, a systematic search and e valuation of literature, updated bioinformatic analyses, and a search for additio nal docu ments or studies performed by or on behalf of the applicant. The GMO Panel assessed these data for possible new hazards, modified exposure or new scientific uncertainties identified during the authorisation period and not previously assessed in the co ntext of the original application. Under the assumption that the DNA sequences of the events in oilseed rape GT73 co nsidered for renewal are identical to the sequences of the originally assessed event, the GMO Panel co ncludes that there is no evidence in renewal application EFSA-GMO-RX-026/1 for new hazards, modified exposure or scientific uncertainties that would change the co nclusions of the original risk assessment on oilseed rape GT73.
日期9a href="//www.sqrdapp.com/news/2022-10-08.html">2022-10-08
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