銆€銆€鏍规嵁娆х洘鏉′緥锛圗C锛塏o 396/2005绗�6绔犵殑瑙勫畾锛孡uxembourg Industries 锛圥amol锛� Ltd 鎻愪氦浜嗚淇鐢宠銆傜粡杩囪瘎浼帮紝娆х洘椋熷搧瀹夊叏灞€寰楀嚭缁撹锛屾牴鎹墍鎶ラ亾鐨勫啘涓氬疄璺碉紝鐭湡鍜岄暱鏈熸憚鍏ュ洜浣跨敤鑶﹂吀閽捐€屼骇鐢熺殑娈嬬暀鐗╀笉澶彲鑳藉娑堣垂鑰呭仴搴锋瀯鎴愰闄┿€傞儴鍒嗗師鏂囨姤閬撳涓嬶細
銆€銆€In accordance with Article 6 of Regulation (EC) No 396/2005, the applicant Luxembourg Industries (Pamol) Ltd submitted a request to the competent national authority in Spain to modify the existing maximum residue levels (MRLs) for fosetyl/phosphonic acid (fosetyl-Al (sum of fosetyl, phosphonic acid and their salts, expressed as fosetyl)) in citrus fruits. Adequate analytical methods for enforcement are available to control the residues of potassium phosphonates according to the existing and proposed residue definitions for enforcement in the commodities under consideration. Since EFSA raised concerns regarding the independence of some of the residue trials submitted in support of the MRL application, EFSA presented three options of MRL proposals for further risk management consideration. based on the risk assessment results, EFSA concluded that the short-term and long-term intake of residues resulting from the use of potassium phosphonates on citrus crops according to the reported agricultural practices is unlikely to present a risk to consumer health.