放大字体缩小字体时间?021-10-12 10:16 来源:食品伙伴网 作者: 泽夕
   食品伙伴网讯2021?0?日, 欧盟食品安全局'a href='//www.sqrdapp.com/news/tag_10.html' class='zdbq' title='EFSA相关食品资讯' target='_blank'>EFSA)就 阿维菌素(abamectin)的某些现有最大残留水平进行重点评估
  In compliance with Article 43 of Regulation (EC) No 396/2005, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) received from the European Commission a mandate to provide its reaso ned opinion on the existing maximum residue levels (MRLs) for abamectin which might lead to co nsumers intake co ncerns on the basis of the lower toxicological reference values established during the peer review, the data currently available to EFSA and the outcome of the Member States consultation. To identify the MRLs of potential co ncern that require a more detailed assessment, EFSA screened the existing MRLs for abamectin co nsidering the new toxicological reference values and an acute risk could not be excluded for 12 commodities. Fall-back MRLs for nine commodities were proposed ba sed on the data received under the present assessment. For apples, pears and escaroles, fall-back MRLs could not be derived, and thus, a lowering of the MRLs for these crops to the limit of quantification (LOQ) is proposed.
日期9a href="//www.sqrdapp.com/news/2021-10-12.html">2021-10-12
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