放大字体缩小字体时间?021-02-01 09:59 来源:食品伙伴网 作者: 泽夕
   食品伙伴网讯2021??9日, 欧盟食品安全局'a href='//www.sqrdapp.com/news/tag_10.html' class='zdbq' title='EFSA相关食品资讯' target='_blank'>EFSA)就审查 福美友/a>(thiram)的现有最大残留水平发布意见
  根据欧盟委员会第396/2005号法规第12章,欧盟食品安全局审查了福美双的最大残留限量。尽管没有发现福美双对消费者有明显的风险,但进口限量没有得到数据的充分支持 因此,消费者风险评估仅被认为是指示性的,仍需风险管理者进一步考虑、/div>
  According to Article 12 of Regulation (EC) No 396/2005, EFSA has reviewed the maximum residue levels (MRLs) currently established at European level for the pesticide active substance thiram. Although this active substance is no lo nger authorised within the European unio, MRLs ba sed on the use of thiram were established by the Codex Alimentarius Commission (codex maximum residue limits; CXLs) and im port tolerances were reported by Member States (including the supporting residues data). ba sed on the assessment of the available data, EFSA assessed the existing im port tolerances, and a co nsumer risk assessment was carried out for thiram only. Although no apparent risk to co nsumers was identified, the im port tolerances were not fully supported by data. Hence, the co nsumer risk assessment is co nsidered indicative o nly and further co nsideration by risk managers is needed.
日期9a href="//www.sqrdapp.com/news/2021-02-01.html">2021-02-01
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