食品伙伴网讯2020??0日,?a href='//' class='zdbq' title='欧盟相关食品资讯' target='_blank'>欧盟食品安全局消息?015-2018年,欧盟多国爆发了与热烫
蔬菜有关皃a href='//' class='zdbq' title='李斯特菌相关食品资讯' target='_blank'>李斯特菌ST6疾病、/div>
A multi‐country outbreak of Listeria mo
nocytogenes ST6 l
inked to blanched frozen vegetables (bfV took place in the EU ?015-2018) Evidence of food‐borne outbreaks shows that L. mo
nocytogenes is the most relevant pathogen associated with bfV. The probability of illness per serving of uncooked bfV, for the elderly ?5-74 years old population, is up to 3,600 times greater than cooked bfV and very likely lower than any of the e
valuated ready‐to‐eat food categories. The main factors affecting co
ntamination and growth of L. mo
nocytogenes in bfV during processing are the hygiene of the raw materials and process water; the hygienic co
nditions of the food processing enviro
nment (FPE); and the time/Temperature (t/T combinations used for storage and processing (e.g. blanching, cooling) Relevant factors after processing are the intrinsic characteristics of the bfV, the t/T combinations used for thawing and storage and subsequent cooking conditions, unless eaten uncooked. Analysis of the possible co
ntrol options suggests that application of a complete HACCP plan is either not possible or would not further enhance food safety.