阿根廷门多萨省省长、市长亲 11.9-11 Interwine 展会,亲自推广门多萨省葡萄酒

放大字体缩小字体时间?019-11-01 09:54 来源:食品伙伴网会展中心
  阿根廷门多萨省省长、市长亲 11.9-11 Interwine 展会,亲自推广门多萨?a href='//www.sqrdapp.com/news/tag_1415.html' class='zdbq' title='葡萄酒相关食品资? target='_blank'>葡萄酑/a>
  Governor of Mendoza will visit 23rd INTERWINE during Nov.9-11

  2019下半年全球最大专业葡萄酒 烈酒展将?1?-11日观众琶?middot; 广交伙/a>B区隆重开幕,届时各国领事馆总领事、商务领事、葡萄酒主产囼a href='//www.sqrdapp.com/news/tag_4016.html' class='zdbq' title='酒类相关食品资讯' target='_blank'>酒类主管部门及行业协会、世界葡萄酒大师、行业大咖将助阵盛会、/div>
  在往届,展会获得了法国、意大利、葡萄牙、阿根廷 、以色列等数十个国家大使馆的鼎力支持,且多国驻广州领事馆总领事以及业内领袖和顶尖行业媒体领导均出席了本届酒展的开幕仪式、/div>
  The grand opening of the 23rd Interwine China will be held in China im port & Export Fair Complex , Area B, Nov.9, 2019. The historic moment for im ported wine industry we have allb een waiting for will soon arrive.
  23rd Interwine has got full support from Ambassadors, Commercial Directors, Master of wine, Counselors, renowned wine tasters and wine industry experts.
  Previous pictures of 22 session Interwine
  在今年,门多萨省省长 Mr. Alfredo Cornejo、门多萨政府市长及预备省 Mr. Rodolfo Suarez、门多萨政府经济、基础设施和能源部?Mr. Martn Kerchner、阿根廷门多萨推广署总经 Fernando Urdaniz等一行人将隆重出?3届国际名酒展开幕式现场、/div>
  而后,门多萨省省长一行将亲临 11.9-11 Interwine展会现场,以Interwine为桥梁,亲自推广阿根廷门多萨省的葡萄酒美酒文化,为其葡萄酒市场带来新机遇。值得一提的是,现场将有机会获得省长亲笔签名葡萄酒!
  The governor of Mendoza, Mr. Alfredo Cornejo and Mr. Rodolfo Suarez,Mayor of the City of Mendoza and Elected Governor of Mendoza Argentina, with the delegation will visit the Interwine exhibition on 9-11,Nov. in Guangzhou.
  And promote the wine and wine culture of Mendoza, Argentina through?Interwine wine fair, bringing new opportunities to the wine market Mendoza.?It is worth mentio ning that the Vistors in Interwine exhibition will have the opportunity to get a bottle of wine signed by the governor!
  Mr. Alfredo Cornejo- Governor of Mendoz(门多萨省省长)
  Mr. Rodolfo Suarez - Mayor of the City of Mendoza and Elected Governor of Mendoza(门多萨政府市长及预备省长)
  As early as 2013, Guangdong and Mendoza has forged friendly ties, and in recent years, Guangdong and Mendoza?have made co ntinuous progress in exchanges and cooperation.
  On November 8, the governor of Mendoza province and his delegation will meet with the governor of Guangdong province for in-depth communication on eco nomic and cultural cooperation between the two provinces, before his attendance for 23rd Interwine China.
  Argentina is one of the most im portant wine-producing countries in the New World, and the largest producer of wine in South America, the fifth largest wine producing area in the world.
  门多 (Mendoza)产区还拥有几个知名的次级产区,包括路冉得库约(Lujan de Cuyo)、圣拉菲?San Rafael)、迈?Maipu),这三个子产区都已经被列入阿根廷法定产区(D.O.C)之内了、/div>
  The high-altitude deserts of the eastern Andes have given rise to a high-quality wine industry, and the terroir here is well suited to Argentina's adopted grape variety, the ubiquitous Malbec. Originally from Bordeaux, this is now respo nsible for some of Argentina's most famous wines, which are characteristically bright and intense, with?floral notes and flavors of dark fruit.
  Most viticulture in Argentina takes place in the foothills of the Andes, and most famously in Mendoza, wher desert landscapes and high altitudes combine to make a terroir that gives rise to aromatic, intensely flavored red wines. Vineyards in Mendoza reach as high as 5000ft (1500m) above sea level. Here, increased levels of solar radiation and a high?diurnal temperature variation make for a long, slow ripening period, leading to balanced sugars and?acidity in the grapes.
  Nearly three-quarters of Argentinian wine production takes place in Mendoza, and in addition to Malbec, there are significant plantings ofChardonnay,Bonarda,?Cabernet Sauvignon.
  Most viticulture in Argentina takes place in the foothills of the Andes, and most famously inM endoza, wher desert landscapes and highaltitudes combine to make a terroir that gives rise to aromatic, intensely flavored red wines. Vineyards in Mendoza reach as high as 5000ft (1500m) above sea level. Here, increased levels of solar radiation and a high diurnal temperature variation make for a long, slow ripening period, leading to balanced sugars and acidity in the grapes.
  Nearly three-quarters of Argentinian wine production takes place in Mendoza, and in addition to Malbec, there are significant plantings of Chardonnay, Bonarda, Cabernet Sauvignon.
  5.28-29 北京屔/div>
  5.28-29 Interwine Beijing
  5?8-29日,阿根廷门多萨展团?35㎡参展面积再次参加了第三届科通(北京)国际葡萄酒烈酒精品展暨全球获奖酒专题展 (Interwine Beijing)、/div>
  It was worth mentio ning that Argentina Pavilion has made their great exhibition in 3rd Interwine Beijing for 2019.

  The 3rd Interwine Beijing has got full support from Ambassador of the Argentine Republic, Mr.Diego Guelar and the General Manager of Promendoza, Fernando Urdaniz.
  阿根廷驻华大使馆-大使Mr.Diego Guelar
  Mr.Diego Guelar,Ambassador of the Argentine Republic
  阿根廷门多萨推广署总经 Fernando Urdaniz
  General Manager of Promendoza
  在北京展会期间,阿根廷驻华大使馆大使Mr.Diego Guelar、阿根廷驻华大使馆经济商务处参赞Mr.Julin Alberto Canessa、阿根廷驻华大使馆秘书Mr.Tadeo Alfaro、阿根廷门多萨推广署总经理Fernando Urdaniz出席了此次盛会、/div>
  6.3-5 广州屔/div>
  There were 25 Wineries from Brazil participating in 22 session INTERWINE CHINA wine fair.
  With the great target direction of "Professional, High qualitya nd Characterized?Products", The exhibitors from Argentina won the recognition of professio nal audience, captured the hearts of a lot number of visitors with fine wines.
  It has been a pleasure to be here again. Thanks for your kind hospitality and all Interwine team. Hope to see you soon.
  门多萨推广署总经 Fernando Urdaniz
  For us as the first time, it was very positive. Hope I can see you again next time. Keep in touch!
  阿根廷参展商 Dani Gallardo
  MoreA rgentinian wines
  please looking forward to
  23 session INTERWINE on NOV.9-11!

日期9a href="//www.sqrdapp.com/news/2019-11-01.html">2019-11-01
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