銆€銆€椋熷搧浼欎即缃戣 2019骞�6鏈�18鏃ワ紝鎹�娆х洘椋熷搧瀹夊叏灞€锛�EFSA锛夋秷鎭紝搴旀鐩熷鍛樹細瑕佹眰锛屾鐩�鍔ㄧ墿楗叉枡娣诲姞鍓�鍜屼骇鍝侊紙FEEDAP锛夌爺绌跺皬缁勫氨淇敼BioPlus 2B锛堝湴琛�鑺藉鏉嗚弻DSM 5749鍜�鏋崏鑺藉鏉嗚弻DSM 5750锛変綔涓�鐏浮鑲茶偉楗叉枡鐨勬巿鏉冩潯浠跺彂琛ㄧ瀛︽剰瑙併€�
銆€銆€Following a request from the European Commission, the Panel on Additives and Products or Substances used in Animal Feed 锛團EEDAP锛� was asked to deliver a scientific opinion on the modification of the terms of the authorisation of BioPlus? 2B 锛圔acillus licheniformis DSM 5749 and Bacillus subtilis DSM 5750锛� in feeds for turkeys for fattening to allow the simultaneous use with a battery of permitted coccidiostats 锛坉iclazuril, halofuginone, monensin sodium, robenidine hydrochloride, maduramicin ammonium, lasalocid sodium锛� and with the preservative formic acid. Conclusions previously drawn by the FEEDAP Panel on the compatibility of the additive for chickens for fattening apply to the current application provided that the maximum authorised concentration of the coccidiostats semduramycin, maduramicin ammonium, lasalocid sodium and the preservative formic acid for turkeys for fattening 锛坵hen maximum authorised concentrations exist锛夛紝 are equal or lower than those for chickens for fattening. Considering the data submitted, the FEEDAP Panel concludes that BioPlus? 2B 锛圔. licheniformis DSM 5749 and B. subtilis DSM 5750锛� is compatible with diclazuril and monensin sodium. based on the data provided, no conclusion can be drawn for robenidine hydrochloride. In the absence of data, no conclusion can be drawn for halofuginone.