放大字体缩小字体时间?019-04-03 15:11 来源:食品伙伴网 作者: 可心
核心提示?019??日,美国食品药物监督管理局( FDA )提议修订瓶装水的质量标准,规定制造商在瓶装水中添加氟化物的含量不得超?.7 mg/L、/div>
  食品伙伴网讯2019??日,美国食品药物 监督 管理FDA)提议修计a href='//www.sqrdapp.com/news/tag_1410.html' class='zdbq' title='瓶装水相关食品资? target='_blank'>瓶装氳/a>的质野a href='//www.sqrdapp.com/news/tag_134.html' class='zdbq' title='标准相关食品资讯' target='_blank'>标准,规定制造商在瓶装水中添功a href='//www.sqrdapp.com/news/tag_497.html' class='zdbq' title='氟化物相关食品资? target='_blank'>氟化?/a>的含量不得超?.7 mg/L、/div>
  This proposal is ba sed on findings from evolving research on optimal co ncentrations of fluoride that balances fluoride's benefits in preventing tooth decay with its risk of causing dental fluorosis, a co ndition most often characterized by white patches on teeth. This proposed rule makes the standard for bottled water co nsistent with the U.S. Public Health Service's (PHS updated recommendation for the optimal fluoride co ncentration for community water systems to prevent tooth decay. In addition, this rule may reduce co nsumer co nfusion regarding inco nsistency in fluoride level recommendations. The proposed rule would not affect the allowable levels for fluoride in bottled water to which fluoride is not added by the manufacturer (but which may co ntain fluoride from its source water)、/div>
日期9a href="//www.sqrdapp.com/news/2019-04-03.html">2019-04-03
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