銆€銆€杞熀鍥犵敓鐗╋紙GMO锛夊皬缁勬鍓嶅氨杞熀鍥犲ぇ璞咥2704-12棰勬湡鐢ㄩ€斿浜虹被鍜屽姩鐗╁仴搴峰強鐜褰卞搷鍋氫簡椋庨櫓璇勪及锛屽彂鐜拌繖绉嶅ぇ璞嗕笌浼犵粺澶ц眴鍜屽晢涓氬ぇ璞嗗搧绉嶄竴鏍峰畨鍏ㄥ拰鏈夎惀鍏汇€傜粡杩囪瘎浼帮紝鏂扮殑娴嬪簭鏁版嵁鍜屽鏂板簭鍒楄繘琛岀殑鐢熺墿淇℃伅瀛﹀垎鏋愭病鏈夊紩璧峰畨鍏ㄩ棶棰樸€傚洜姝わ紝EFSA寰楀嚭缁撹锛屽ぇ璞咮PS - CV127 - 9鐨勫師濮嬮闄╄瘎浼颁粛鐒舵湁鏁堛€�
銆€銆€The GMO Panel has previously assessed genetically modified 锛圙M锛� soybean A2704鈥�12. This soybean was found to be as safe and nutritious as its conventional counterpart with respect to potential effects on human and animal health and the environment in the context of its intended uses. On 5 June 2018, the European Commission requested EFSA to analyse new nucleic acid sequencing data and updated bioinformatics data for GM soybean A2704鈥�12 and to indicate whether the previous conclusions of the GMO Panel on the risk assessment of GM soybean A2704鈥�12 remain valid. The new sequencing data indicated seven nucleotide differences as compared to the sequence originally provided in application EFSA鈥怗MO鈥怤L鈥�2005鈥�18; six nucleotides in the 3′ genomic flanking region and one nucleotide in the soybean chloroplast DNA fragment located 5′ to the insert. Another nucleotide located in a polylinker region of the insert reported as ambiguous in the originally submitted sequence was resolved in the new sequence data. based on the information provided on the locations affected by the reported nucleotide differences, no open reading frames 锛圤RFs锛� spanning the junction site between the insert and the 3′ genomic flanking DNA are affected by the differences in the 3′ genomic flanking region and were therefore excluded from the assessment.