放大字体缩小字体时间?018-09-20 11:56 来源:食品伙伴网 作者: 可心
食品伙伴网讯近日,澳大利?ldquo; 草莓藏针事件不断发酵。据海外网报道,??日起,在澳大利亚六个州先后出现至?3?ldquo;草莓藏针的恶性事件,一名男子因吃了藏针的草莓而住院治疗。目前澳大利亚已经召回六种涉及该事件的草莓品牌的产品
2018??8日,澳大利亚农业水利资源部(DAWR)发市a href='//www.sqrdapp.com/news/tag_227.html' class='zdbq' title='出口相关食品资讯' target='_blank'>出口行业建议通知--从澳大利亚出口新鲜草莓的临时控制措施。从2018??9日星期三澳大利亚东部标准时间上午9点起,澳大利亚农业水利资源部将强制对新鲜草莓中的金属污染物进行检测,以降低金属污染物进入出口供应链的风险。新的临时措施适用于所有出口市场的新鲜草莓,包括不需要植物检疫证书的产品。出口商有责任向该部门提供证据,证明货物不含金属污染物、/div>
The Department of Agriculture and Water Resources is implementing interim co ntrol measures for the export of fresh strawberries from Australia, in respo nse to reported detections of me tal co ntaminants in the fruit.
From 9am AEST on Wednesday, 19 September 2018, a nil tolerance of me tal co ntaminants in fresh strawberries will be enforced by the department to mitigate the risk of me tal co ntaminants entering the export supply chain.
The new interim measure applies to fresh strawberries for all export markets, including markets that do not require a phytosanitary certificate.
All requests for export permits (RFPs that include fresh strawberries now require authorisation by the department through EXDOC.
Exporters are respo nsible for providing evidence to the department, that co nsignments are free from me tal contaminants.
Interim co ntrol measures can include evidence of me tal screening (me tal detectors at end-point or on-farm me tal screening wher product security has been maintained post screening.
Visual inspection alone is not an acceptable measure.
Records are required to be kept by the exporter for auditing purposes for 2 years.
The Manual of im porting Country Requirements (MICoR cases will be updated to reflect these changes. There is no change to existing im porting country requirements.
The department's role is to facilitate safe trade of agricultural commodities.
The associated food safety incidents in Australia are being managed by state and territory law enforcement and health authorities.
日期9a href="//www.sqrdapp.com/news/2018-09-20.html">2018-09-20
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