娆х洘涓撳缁勭粡杩囧垎鏋愯涓猴紝鏋滆兌锛圗 440i锛夊拰閰拌兒鍖栨灉鑳讹紙E 440ii锛変綔涓烘櫘閫氶鍝佺殑娣诲姞鍓傚叿鏈変竴瀹氬畨鍏ㄦ€э紝鍦ㄧ洰鍓嶇殑浣跨敤鑼冨洿鍜屼娇鐢ㄩ噺涓嬪浜轰綋娌℃湁瀹夊叏闅愭偅锛屾棤闇€璁剧疆姣忔棩鍏佽鎽勫叆閲忥紙ADI锛夈€�
Following a request from the European Commission, the EFSA Panel on Food Additives and Nutrient sources added to Food 锛圓NS锛� was asked to deliver a scientific opinion on the re-evaluation of pectin 锛圗 440i锛� and amidated pectin 锛圗 440ii锛� as food additives. An acceptable daily intake 锛圓DI锛� 'not specified' was allocated by the Scientific Committee for Food 锛圫CF锛� for E 440i and E 440ii. Pectin and amidated pectin would not be absorbed intact, but extensively fermented by intestinal microbiota in animals and humans; products formed from pectins in the gastrointestinal tract are similar to manufactured pectin-derived acidic oligosaccharides 锛坧AOS锛夈€�