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欧盟食品安全局分别开展了迁移测试以及遗传毒性评估。欧盟食品安全局认为,按照最大使用量75 mg/kg,将氧化钨作为再热剂用于PET不存在安全问题。然而用作其他功能或用于其他聚合物时,迁移量不应超过50 g/kg(以钨计)、/div>
This scientific opinion of EFSA Panel on Food Co
ntact Materials, Enzymes, Flavourings and Processing Aids (CEF Panel deals with the risk assessment of the additive tungsten oxide, CAS No 39318-18-8 and FCM No 1064, for use in food co
ntact materials as a reheat agent in polyethylene terephthalate (PET at a maximum use level of 75 ppm ?5 mg/kg PET) The substance is a mixture of tungsten oxides with tungsten at different oxidative levels. The average oxidation level of tungsten in the oxides is 2.86 correspo
nding to 19.93% oxygen content. Detailed information on impurities is provided as confidential. Specific migration from PET plaques with the substance at 150 mg/kg (double the maximum intended use level of 75 mg/kg was determined into 95% ethanol, as a worst-case simulant for PET due to its swelling effect. Under these test conditions, the specific migration, measured as tungsten using ICP-MS, was at the level of 1 g/kg.
日期9a href="//www.sqrdapp.com/news/2017-01-18.html">2017-01-18